Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Im not a shoulder to lean on, but I digress

They say the best way to deal with your problems is to talk to someone about them. Well Im sure that works for others and generally I have seen it make some difference to just get something off your chest but that usually isn't my style.

I've somehow become the leaning post of some. The one they come to with their problems and for some I'll gladly listen and help where I can but there are those that I just couldn't give a crap about and it gets tiresome and generally this is cuz I have enough to deal with myself. Like I have no problem being an outlet but to some thats all I'll ever be, they can forget about getting more from me.

Haha but now what scares my poor little brain that I house inside my head for safe keeping is that I too have someone I go to with all my ouchies and my bruises haha and lately its been so severe that Im afraid Im draining the poor child. My little brother had this toilet for potty training that had this button which made the toilet play this tune and I remember I was about like 7 or something and it was running out of batteries cuz it was being used so much and I remember it playing its distorted tune then kinda dying like how all electronic devices die on tv and I was very bummed. That night I cried over the death of a potty and I dont wanna be killing my closest companion with all my crap haha especially in such delicate times..

"I dont like these people. You're going to turn into a basket case". Haha eh I dont think Im the one to worry about, its too late for me...

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