Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I've had enough politics for a while

I casted my first vote today, was a very boring process.

I wont get into the adventure of a journey that ended up with me in a pikinini colony with no pants on and a whole bunch of people trying to win my vote but what was interesting was all the parties to choose from. Its multiple choice so you're thinking, "Well if I pick one then I wont be too wrong" but I knew what I was looking for, flipping Tamil Tigers. Unfortunately they have a very boring name me go by day is the Minority Front. You read that on a page and you look your heart sinks but you see their logo which is that tiger and you get all excited. I honestly did find myself thinking whether or not they were run by tigers somewhere deep in the many unknown secret rooms of Parliament. Imagine how cool it'd be to be run by tigers. There would be no taxes on anything of value, you'd be allowed to shoot vegetarians in the middle of the face and vegans would never exists, criminals would get death by being killed and eaten by our leaders and clothes would be optional. Pity its run by Raj and his lannies ekse.

There are actually so many parties out there that we dont know about and if voting went by which name sounded best then I'd definately vote for the Keep It Straight and Simple party or K.I.S.S. Story goes that its run by an old lady who just got fed up. Workers International Vanguard League - they sound like a bunch of super powered car guards kinda like the justice league, you'd be forced to tip your car guard next time or risk imprisonment or catching a super powered FPK.

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