Sunday, October 2, 2011


Everyone as far as I'm aware is on their 10 day school holiday period. I used to have those when I went to school, they didn't make much sense seeing as they were so short but when you're at school, they're better than heaven. I have work in the morning so I can't say I'm too moved by them.

I'm lying in bed listening to Cold War Kids' latest album and I must say, I'm very impressed. Haha this weekend has been good. It was very chilled but rather swell. The club opening on friday was a huge success, haha flip I'm pretty sure that if we'd gone and ordered conversations like that one Monty Python sketch, we would've racked a massive bill. I don't think there is anything that was ever thought up that wasn't discussed or maybe the wine induced haze just made it all seem that way. I woke up feeling not nice I won't lie, I caught every disease that morning and it felt like there was a mini jumble sale in my stomach.

On a completely unrelated side note to anything because now I've gone and lost my train of thought, 'Someone Like You' by Adele is actually quite an annoying song. If a girl saod something like that to me I'm pretty sure I'd look at them like a walrus contemplating something profound and then walk away. I don't know if you've ever seem a walrus do something like that but its such a mixed up face, like it wants to say something but can't find the words, like it wants to laugh but doesn't quite know wjy and where to begin. What is the point of replacing something with something not quite as great but similar? Maybe I'm not seeing the point here but I'm just not getting it. That whole album, no matter how great she is, is such a dirty stain to me. To someone like me it just leaves a dirty taste, like I can almost relate when I shouldn't, like I probably tasted it last night but I've gone and done so much in the time that I've forgotten. Haha maybe I'm just a softie but I don't like its message. I don't like albums about all those failings, it gets a bit pathetic.

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