Thursday, October 20, 2011

Hit Or Miss

So today on my way home, we had a moment. See I was in the taxi, sitting in the back seat pushed up against the window whilst this huge concrete brick of a man made me as uncomfortable as possible by putting half of his already large body on my tiny Zimmerframe of a body. So anyway, we were just leaving town, going past a set of lights, all in the right when this car pulled out to turn, going across us at a 90 degree angle trying to squeeze through a space that didn't exist, making for a potential T-bone.

It's weird how they say everything goes slow in those situations. It's weird because it's true. I once read of a lady who just seconds before smashing into another car, thought about pretty much everything, even what she was gonna make for supper that night. I was sitting right at the back so I had a fairly decent view of everything going. In the split second or so it all took, in my head I'd already thought a million thoughts. First thing that came to mind was, "Will I get hurt?" The answer was no because we were going at a fairly slow pace, 60 at most and I was sitting at the back so I would be fine, the wall of bodies ahead of me would protect me if for some freakish chance something terrible did happen. The next was, "Will anyone I care for get hurt in this?" And the answer was, not really. See there is this girl, I've come across her 3 times now, she's fairly decent but what really takes the cake is that she's cute. The first time I saw her was last week and I was sitting in the seat behind the driver and she came and sat beside me, I did a quick look up and down and noticed something truly remarkable, she was wearing armadillo skins. Haha ah man when I saw those things I laughed. She's only the second person I've seen wear those and if I'm honest, they looked great on her and then to top it all off, she locked the door as we drove along which I just thought was too cute, hence her being cute. But anyway, I knew she'd be fine cuz she has armadillo skins so no one I was fond of would get hurt. Then I thought, "Will I have to pay for anything should we make contact?" Obviously I wouldn't, I'm just a passenger and anyway the other car is at fault. If I do get injured then I could claim from the Road Accident Fund though. So after all this has been processed, my brain turns around to me and says, "RAM HIM!!!" Haha seeing as I wouldn't be losing out in any way, I wanted this asshole to get what was coming to him, I wanted his little Corolla to catch a slap. It wouldn't have been anything hectic, a fender bender at most I'm sure but I wanted him to fell it. Unfortunately we braked in the nick of time, and so ended the most intense second of my life.

Its funny though because while everyone was a little worked up over that near miss, I was laughing at just how I reacted. Instead of screaming out and putting my hands in the air, I wanted a bit of action.

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