Sunday, October 30, 2011

Sticky Pear

Where have I been this week? I dont know> My brain feels a little foggy lately, I dont know why but I've been battling bouts of high levels of annoyance. Well a major reason could be the fact that I soend most of my days with the most annoying characters known to man.

Im not one who often complains about the people who get to up my asshole but seriously Im so fed up with the ladies that think Im their little lap dog for bossing around. Like yesterday for example, I really didnt know what was cutting with the card machine, it was being all funky and you cant really state that as a reason to not understand something so I told her I really didnt know and added a very convincing shrug to put my point across as best I could with my little reigned face and cute little movements, you know? Well she went off at me for all of that and expected me to know why the thing wasn't working like I suddenly understood why it was being silly and I'd just gone and called her for the fun of it? really I hate having to go and ask them whats cutting with something all the time, its annoying and makes me feel silly but sometimes i really have to and they make a point of not telling me how to sort it out for myself, I think they like me going around speaking to them.

Well the lady spent the rest of the day doing crap all and I seriously manned that till on my ace for most of the morning, I think she was making a point of getting me to work like a slave because I was going home early. She gave me a bit of grief about that too.

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