Saturday, October 15, 2011

Im a japanese fairy

Today was a rough day. I think my poor brain just wanted to climb into a hole and not be disturbed, unfortunately that didn't happen. I had to deal with the customers to day as per usual and at one point I ended up making a cock up that just put me in a downward spiral. Ah I was gutted after that I won't lie to you ladies and gentlemen. See I'd entered in the wrong amount by mistake into the card machine, I wrote 155 instead of 115. It may not sound like much but its pretty much worse than killing the pope, as I was made to feel afterwards. When I do something I always underestimate myself, its how I stave off complacency. I tend to work myself into such a little tizzy sometimes that I have to take a moment just to laugh at how useless I can get, I've always done that. Like I know I'm no whizz at this operating shop thing, its my first time but I'm not a complete retard. Show me how to do these things, tell me where everything is, teach me how it all works and maybe you wouldn't have me having to ask so often, instead of just sending me daggers when I disturb your conversations to ask just how to do everyone's work.

Anyway I was quite put off having gone and messed up cuz I was really making good progress, I felt like I was close to being a shop keeping god or something now that I've retired as the kimbling god and only kimble to keep fit now days. It seems I've been in a bad mood of late. Nothing heavy, I've just been quite irritable so it was really good to just have it switched off but oh boy, I hate how everyone seems to have issues on the one day I choose not to deal with them. I don't want to hear about how your shoe broke or how your cat got chased up a tree. I don't care that you fell over and got an ouchie and your girlfriend didn't reply to your texts. I don't give a rats arse about how your bbm messages aren't going through and that you want to sue blackberry, this weekend I seriously don't give a crap.

And another thing. This blackberry issue. I honestly wasn't too put out by them being out of action. If anything, I quite enjoyed it. I could send and receive calls and sms'. I could listen to music, what more did I need? Sure I love the easy access I have to sending the girlfriend a message when I've gone and spent the whole day thinking about her but it made it more special having to wait so I could offload it in a big bundle, little by little, like an unending stream of piss. Really, having a dead bb allowed us to actually do stuff. I'm sure some people went outside for the first time, some might've even used pens. Some may have spoken to the people that live in their house and prepare their meals for the first time. We revived the acts of interpersonal communication, we made eye contact, we smoked a ham. So was it really so bad that they were offline?

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