Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Unhappy gits on a plate

I was in deep thought today. Full, unadulterated deep thought, the stuff that Einstein used to do which is why he was one of the greatest minds on our planet. My deep thought was for a full ten minutes or so and I came to a startling conclusion.

People on diet have no sense of humour*. I've always known that people on diet are very unpleasant, really I'd rather have to deal with an old lady who has bitter hate for every living being than have to hold a twenty minute conversation with a dieter on anything. You can't say anything even approaching remotely funny, you won't even get a simple reaction. I've tried it out, I found some guinea pigs to test it out on and it's so true. It's as if cutting out certain foods also affects their funny part of the brain and I can see how that works. You see food is flipping amazing, it makes the world go round. If you're hungry, you tend to get grumpy, if you're unfulfilled, you tend to get grumpy, if you have to look at people enjoying luxurious foods you aren't allowed to, you're gonna get grumpy. Being constantly grumpy does nothing for you, it has a negative effect on your body and it tends to show, whether its stress, lack of sleep, wrinkles, gaining of weight, it just isn't good. So really there is no point being on diet and then give up half way cuz you're gaining weight, you're gaining weight because you can't even laugh at basic funny things like a man falling out a window onto a box of kittens, only to find they're fake kittens and it was all a hoax. Something like that would make your average human laugh and feel happy inside, not dieters though, they're too worried about the carrot up their ass.

This also brings me to Vegetarians. Those people, I don't understand either, seem to be a lot more happier even though they're crying on the inside. They know they gotta keep a brave face because they've come to learn in recent years that they're doing more damage than meat eaters. They're eating the plants animals need to eat so they aren't saving any animal there. They're taking away the things that help clean the environment so they aren't stopping any global warming, they're also aiding soil erosion, job losses, animal over population and inflation. We on the other hand do a lot to help out. I wouldn't survive as a Vege.

Now the scourge of the human race are Vegans. I can say hand on heart that I've never met a vegan I like. I've never seen a vegan smile either, and what do they have to smile about? They can't eat meat, animal products, anything that had a face or feelings so they really shouldn't eat plants and they can't eat anything an animal looked at. Like seriously, that's a flipping useless way to live. I know someone out there thinks they have a good reason to be a vegan but in the real worls, there really isn't.

So I think really I have the best diet/way of eating. I eat when I'm actually hungry and not to make a point. I eat enough for me and I eat things that make me happy. What else is there to food?

(This post does not apply to Jade Graham. She could survive off snail trail and dust and I'd still approve)

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