Friday, October 7, 2011

Pierced your ears

Fluffy rabbits and twirly bits of glossy nectar. Really I love the way listening to music can really change a mood. I have those days where I'll listen to something and it won't do anything for me and then I have those days where I'll listen to something and it'll feel as if heaven itself is smiling down on me. I probably spend a large portion of my day with earphones on, whether I'm jchilling or walking the streets, I generally have a good little bit of ear porn going on. I love the moments when all feels well inside and nothing makes more sense than the song you're listening to. When your day has been crap, your dog died, you spilt mayonnaise all over yourself, your ex set fire to your family, you're broke with an intense hangover but you put on your earphones with the volume just right and track after track makes all the negativity just float away.

I woke up this morning not lus for anything. I wanted to curse the inventor of weekdays. I wanted the sun to go crawl up its own asshole and I wanted to shoot every 'TGIF' status I came across, I was a real sour. I got to work real early, an hour early, still wondering why I have no weekends but then I put on my selection of juicy jucies and I can say that from that moment on I was the happiest person on this earth. I know everyone was out at beaches and in the sunshine with their friends and I was in a cold dusty room sticking labels on clothes and laughing at people but I can tell you this, I was probably more at peace with the world than all of them combined. I haven't stopped smiling today, I can't be phased by anything today it seems and I love it, I love it so much.

I really just want this all to carry on. Zebra and Giraffe on sunday and I'm full to bursting with excitement, the music never ends

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