Thursday, December 2, 2010

I remember when...(Cue flashback)

I was speaking to FOTM tonight, I still feel cool speaking to people who are out of the country on mxit.

We dated for 6 months. That really blows my mind, what did I know back then to make that sorta achievement and that was just the first time, I dont know how long the other 6 times lasted. It wasn't flowers, rainbows and unicorns. I probably learnt everything I know now from that relationship, how to deal with her annoying friends, how to work on my jealousy, how to not take everything seriously and how to enjoy the small moments. She's in my top 3 girlfriends on merit that she wasn't paid to go out with me, (hey school kids are useless, paying each other to go out with someone so they can hang with the cool crowd, I still haven't forgotten that but I rate its crap, that doll wanted me, who could resist my chubby charm back then?) above Miss Black because she likes to be mean to me and its obvious who sits securely at the top right.

Was speaking to Alimundi and I was like "Ay bra wat sé jy?!" and he was like "Pieler" and I was too keen, I thought this is it bra Im doing it but then Jack came on and he said "Jack Parow bra, ek is nie bang nie", maybe that was just me chickening out but I was like you know what, if Jack Parow is not scared then why should I be. Im not gonna be rash and firstly go back on my word and I wont go back on my morals and I sure as hell wont put my feelings at risk. I've learnt that if you live on what could've been then you aren't gonna get far in life and Im already here so all I wanna do is go forwards. Clearly I've proven that I am a good person, being in control of what I do and my thoughts. Im not gonna catch BS and die, not just yet anyway. Im still smiling when I step into my McLaren.

Anyway Jack had a girlfriend who he took to the Spur on his bicycle anyway...

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