Friday, May 10, 2013


I'm going through my blog and reading through 2011. I think that was my best year as a blogger. I started off in a relationship, dealt through some really harsh things, broke up with the GF and then became the wise old owl. If I can advise anyone reading this, go read through the year of 2011 again.

I attacked the keyboard like a starved Ethiopian seeing a left over KFC packet. The amount of funny kak I wrote back then is immeasurable. I'm in deep hysterics over what I said. I remember every single moment that I've written of, as if they happened just yesterday. My favourite post right now has to be the one about the elements. I wrote that one about my two current exes, one being Fire and the other being Ice. The way I strung together those comparisons still blows my mind. I love how I got it all spot on and what makes me laugh is that I can still relate to that right now, albeit in a different way. Haha I feel a ripe flapjack when I read some of those things though. Some of them really embarrass me but I'm glad I wrote them. Back then I didn't care about who was reading what, and what was being said. I only cared about not writing something that would come back to bite me in the middle of the face the next time I saw my Governing Officer.

Right now I'm at that point again. I've fallen deeply in love with my blog again. I love writing rubbish that's on my mind. I love the rubbish on my mind again. I came across a tweet by the ex about some boyfriend and you know what, it didn't hurt at all. Admittedly it was a bit of a jolt but let's not kid ourselves here, the ones that live off others will never be without their approval. I was happy for her. I even said, "Good on you, it was about time." and then I went off and danced around to some Ellie in my shorts.

My smiles come from ear to ear. I've found my game and although it's been played before, it's a whole different ball game to what came before. Gone are the cupboards and additional Player 2's. Now I'm the one saying the words and I'll be damned if I'm admitting to things like that again.
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