Monday, May 20, 2013


I've found myself listening to a lot of Ben Howard today. It's making me feel like wearing a flannel shirt and cardigan whilst sitting by the fire with my Vanilla Latte With Espresso On The Side drinking wife, me reading my tweets with our dog at my feet and she, staring out the window. Both of us sitting in comfortable silence. God is in his heaven.

My day has been a bit topsy turvey. The power was out last night in Hillcrest so I was in bed earlier than usual but with candle and book in tow. I stumbled across Anthony Kiedies' Scar Tissue in the bathroom cabinet as I was taking a dump. I started reading the book a few months ago and was in deep, up to my elbows. I started up from where I was and I just couldn't stop reading. I lay in bed reading from about half 9 till after the power came back at about 2am. I figured I should try get some sleep, seeing as I had to be up at about 7. I woke up as normal, got shower fresh and ready and that's when I realised that I had the day off. The joys about my little institution is that we follow a strange term plan and we had our mid term. So anyway, I was speaking to the Face and we'd decided to meet up after her exam.

When the time came, I was a little preoccupied. I decided to go looking for some books to read. I haven't been reading half as much as I should be. I think I've read like 2 and a half books so far this year which is just disgusting. With the new sort of, "stock" of intellectuals I'm often cavorting with, I need to keep my game sharp and I feel like I'm slacking badly in the literature department. So anyway, I got caught up in the Biographies section as is always the case and I was faced with some new Clarkson I haven't read. Long story short, I haven't stopped laughing from about the first paragraph. I love the way Jeremy Clarkson sees things. He says things in a roundabout way. He'll start off with a story that is more of a personal account or retelling and then somehow along the line, it links up with the thing he's writing about. I love that. I love the way he writes and the liberties he takes in his writing. I've always said that if I could even put down a thought half as well as he could, I'd be set for life.

I've got an early morning to get ready for. A long day with lots of blood, sweat and tears. Throw in a coffee I need to catch up on and some more reading and I'll be set, right?
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