Friday, May 17, 2013

Relationships aren't thaaaat bad.

Relationships aren't thaaaat bad. I know this is a probably a shock to everyone, myself included, but I just realised that they're not as bad as I make them out to be. It's okay though, I've Googled my symptoms and it turns out I have a rare case of cancerous ebola so I can say this and not have to worry about any judgment, the disease makes you say weird things like this.

All it takes is a change in outlook and you're set on your way. Obviously it is a little difficult to try forge something new with someone, especially if they haven't had a similar relationship history to you, which is often the case, but once you get over that, anything could happen. I was just thinking about how people tend to take relationships so flipping seriously. They look at them like they're a promise to marriage. They aren't. Only once a proposal to marriage has been made, does your little liaison become something more than just a promise to not hook up with other people. They think that you've gotta get everyone involved in your little romantic circle. Some think it isn't a proper relationship if your family and friends aren't involved and I personally think that's both true and false. I think that it's not exactly too important to involve everyone in your business, majority of the time your friends and family wont give a crap, especially when you're still young. Obviously if you guys become serious, like 5 years on the same grind, in my eyes, then it makes sense to open the doors to everyone. I have nothing against meeting a girl's parents, I really don't. If they're cool then we'll get along like a house on fire, I'm an old soul and I can usually get on with the ballie crowd but if things seem forced then nein, hasta la bonyana baby.

For me to introduce a fem to my family would take quite a bit. The thing is though my family isn't often in the places I frequent. I'm always more than an hour away from where they are and so making arrangements to meet up is a schlep. Also, I would hate to have to introduce someone new to my family and then have things go south and have them ask me about this person that doesn't exist in my world anymore. I once had a girlfriend I told my parents things about and they still sometimes ask me about her and I just cringe and bear it, it's my own fault. After a while and if things get really serious with someone then I have nothing against bringing them into my two tonne circle of fun.

But what got me thinking this way and writing this post is that I find it so weird how someone can help change the way you view things. Over the last couple of months I've been Anti-Union. I've bashed at the doors and bombed the offices of the match makers. I was a one man grounding crew on everything that is "love". I still find it unbelievably cheesey and sickening when I see a couple post about their lives on social networks and I still do find most things about relationships to be faulty. Like,why must I always dote to your every single need like some kind of flight puppet. Do you know that there are some guys out there who literally get cussed out by their girlfriends for wanting to hang out with their friends for one night of the weekend? THAT AINT RIGHT! If you want to be my girlfriend, you've got to accept that for a couple of months while we still try to figure this thing out, you're gonna come off second best to my friends. I'm not saying I'll neglect you, baby I'll make you the center of my world, but you've got to accept that I have a life outside of you. And that's what people need to understand. Your relationship isn't going to work if there is nothing going on in your lives besides it. Go out with your friends, get a job, have some ambitions in life dammit! There is more to my life than you, and I sure hope to God that there's more in yours than me because if there isn't then I'm only going to hurt you baby and truth be told, I'll be too busy to even notice..
Sent from my BlackBerry®

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