Thursday, May 9, 2013

Let's Make A Difference.

With the way things are going in this country at the moment, it doesn't surprise me when people say that we're close to not making the next 10 years without some civil unrest. When you look at how things are going, it doesn't take much effort for you to see or hear a negative story about this place we call home. Turn on your tv, page through a news paper or trawl the comment boxes of people on Facebook and you'll come across so many different kinds of rubbish that's happening in this country that it makes you regret waking up in the morning. That isn't right.

The current party in power, the ANC, has done just about close to everything it can in terms of butchering its once proud name. You don't have to turn your head far to see another big, fat Provincial MP laughing his way to the bank. The president basically uses more money on himself than his whole entire hometown has ever seen. I doubt the ministers have ever worn the same shoes twice after becoming appointed. It's sad to think that these are apparently the same people that claim to have the country's best interest at heart. I think their best interests are in their stomachs. The people in power claim that they're still concerned about bettering the country. They say that they want to eliminate poverty. They claim that they want to work for a 'better future for all' but all we can see is them having the best future imaginable. The amount of poor people in the country basically doubles every year. The amount of crime that has now become so openly acceptable these days is just another byproduct of this insolence. I've seen people turn a blind to anything from littering, to an actual person having their innocence raped from them. It really bothers me. Do you know what I had for breakfast the other day? I had a friking tomato and a litre of water, a fucking tomato. And they'll say that it's all still part of the struggle but the only struggle I'm seeing is the one your shirt is making to keep your fat lard of a stomach from popping out and drowning a small village in your mountains of tax payer's stolen fat. Their ham chops of wrists are decorated by Rolex watches that I paid for out of my own pocket with the tax they've shaken me upside down and inside out for.

I'm afraid to move to Johannesburg because I know that if I even dare to breathe the air out there, they'll charge me R560 for e-toll per month. How does it possibly make sense to charge people that kind of money when they can't even afford to pay that for education, that's right, it doesn't. It doesn't make sense to me that these people we've blindly put in power, trusted to carry us through from the dark corner that was Apartheid and into the joyous, warm light of the rainbow nation, are the same people that are bending us over furniture and having their way with us.

But leveling the blame only at the ruling party is something we've all been doing and that's something I think is wrong. There are so many opposition parties in the country but none of them are doing anything to actually be what they claim to be, opponents. The only one big enough to get anything close to a majority vote is the DA and they're not doing any better in my eyes. The DA has basically become a niche market player. They've thrown all their focus on Cape Town and kind of conveniently forgotten that the rest of the country even exists. I think they've just decided to capitalize on their strengths and have stuck to the rich whites and unluckily for the rest of us, Cape Town is where they all are. Cape Town runs like clock work. It looks beautiful from every angle. I've heard rumours that there are people who actually come around and clean the streets. THEY HAVE PEOPLE WHO CLEAN THE STREETS! I consider myself lucky if I mistakenly stumble across a rubbish truck pootling along somewhere in the deep shadows of town. I honestly don't get why they're not making any real effort to try and bring out that kind of control and precision over the rest of the country. Now I know people are gonna say, "It's the people. They're too afraid and uneducated. The DA is trying but people are still too naïve and believe that the ANC is the only way to keep the country from descending back into Apartheid." If we already know what the issue is, then why aren't they doing anything about it?

Do us a favour and dispel the fears of the people. Come over to my house, sit in my living room and let's have a chat about how you're not going to make us enter the dark ages of before. In a place like Hillcrest, that I assume is DA owned and run, I've never ever seen a single one of their members even so much as cross the road. Become visible. Absence definitely doesn't make the heart grow fonder, it makes the heart forget. Stop focusing on being a bit player and actually make a proper effort to make a difference. And this is also the fate of many other opposition parties. They feel overwhelmed by the task at hand and kind of fizzle out without anything happening.

All I want in this country going forwards is to be able to open the newspaper and feel proud of the place I live in. We have such a beautiful country and the possibilities are honestly endless in terms of the greatness we can achieve if we just try and make an effort. I'm not generally one who is bothered by politics but I think it's time that us, as the youth, made out voice be heard. In the ideal South Africa, the word Apartheid would become a thing of the past. Let's not forget what it was, let's not forget what it taught us. Rather, let's move on from it. Let's now focus on making a proper effort of turning this place around and killing this opposite Apartheid we're currently living in. Give the country over to me, I've got a few good ideas that I think the time has come to implement. We're the people that inhabit this place, let's no longer be held for ransom. Let's finally become the change that we all so badly want to see. Let's make an effort.
Sent from my BlackBerry®

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