Saturday, February 19, 2011

I get confused when Im kidnapped

Haha tonight was a night I needed.

Was laka seeing everyone minus the conhead tonight, I hear he's into making a name for himself with the schalkwyks. Good on him and his bravery. Finally had that beer I was craving. Ah I love the refreshing reward of a Carling at the end of the day, really does wonders for the ego.

Was meant to be a braai that thing but Im not sure if it stayed that way. I noticed an unhealthy amount of whispering going on, god knows what thats all about.

Im lying in bed and for a long while I thought I was in my own bed till I realized I was lying on the wrong side and there was an unhealthy amount of pillows on the bed. I only have one head hence I have one pillow, two if Im feeling hardcore but I couldn't put why there were so many all of a sudden. So I looked up and realized the window was roughly in the same place, although it seemed closer and then I looked up and instead of seeing the red glows of the little lights on the tv and sony, there was a cupboard in the way and I was confused as to why the cupboard was in the wrong place. I looked to my left and the doorway that should've been to the bathroom actually looked the same which confused me till I realized just where I was.

Turns out Im at my girlfriends house lying in bed, its a lot more comfortable now that I know I haven't been necessarily kidnapped and so I can rest easy cuz I could use some rest

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