Friday, February 4, 2011

Of course I crapped on your chest baby

I love how a post comes to me. Generally its a thought that comes from many directions saying the same thing. How many people suddenly care about things like being emotionally in control all of a sudden?

So someone asked me if I think it was a bad thing to be open emotionally, "wouldn't that leave you exposed" and really what does that matter? Im a guy for steve's sake. So its ideal to find someone who gets you that you can be open to and for me I've got someone I devulge and sometimes I over do it by telling her that Aston Martin is still british.

Its a known thing that guys dont care. We seriously dont care. You feel fat? Pity. Your heels hurt you? What a shame. Your cat died? Well unlucky buddy. We really dont give a crap, in fact if girls weren't invented then we'd all just speak in grunts all the time like gorillas. I know this because I've had many a conversation with my dad as a gorilla before and it all makes perfect sense.

What every guy wants is a girl that boosts his ego. They sit around having a beer talking about how Mary-Lou said to Peter that Stephanie and Lucas had a fight and Lucas was being a total dick about it and Peter will agree with Mary-Lou but in the back of his mind he's congratulating the bastard for once again asserting his dominance. So what if Stephanie is in tears and she's now at a tea party with Georgina and Monique trying to help her through it, so what? As long as Lucas has shown that he is more dominate at least once in a while then all is well in his male brain because he knows that its inevitable for her to want to look past this because even tho its good sometimes, girls can be too forgiving.

Not all guys go around sticking their penis into your ear because they're on an ego trip, some are spineless gits like me. I dont set about planning ways to make my girlfriend break all the time so she can know that Im a self proclaimed hero, no no no thats not the way, subtlety. Shame tho I like her so I dont see the point of me pulling a move just to give myself an ego boost. The problem with doing something drastic is that sometimes it can bomb out in your face, Im not afraid of that tho in fact bring it on, there is a whole other aspect to that which would be fun to work with but there is no point.

So just now I get asked, "What if she's bluffing and being ego driven?". Haha all I had to say to that was if that ever were the case then flipping fair play to her. You know one day I want a relationship like what Jordan and Perry have. They can be as mean as crap as they want to each other and still everything is perfect. They are dysfunctional in theory but brilliant in practice. Thats what I'll have when Im older.

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