Thursday, February 24, 2011

LFC can honestly go die

I have this unbelievable hatred for everything LFC...

So my girlfriend tells me some random wrote on her. Thats fine I mean everyone writes on everyone, Haha I've written many a thing on many a person in my life time, haha... But you see the thing that got my blood boiling was that it was such DISGUSTING filth, on my GIRLFRIEND, WTF?!

I haven't been watching the Premier League long, its only my first season and when picking a team to support I had a few options. Be a sheep and follow United who are actually pretty good and thats why we hate them. I could follow Arsenal but that wouldn't be fun because I like a bit of competition and ribbing on match days with Kraus. I could support City who are quite good but I cant help feeling like they still haven't found their rhythm and until then they'll always choke or I could be a hero and go where my favourite player was in the form of Didier Drogba and support the champions, Chelsea. Obviously I was wise and chose Chelsea. I love winning. I've only recently discovered how competitive I am now that I've started watching soccer and I really get into it, sometimes I'll spend saturday, sunday and monday just watching every game thats on and it just fuels this other side of me that I thought was foreign. Sure we aren't winning so often anymore but with every sport I start supporting its always tough the first time round but I love it. Now with F1 off my screens till a coupla weeks time I've had to have something to keep me going and by jove it has.

In making my decision I NEVER EVER considered Liverpool. Im sorry but they're a bunch of uncouth hoodlums that go out and goose little children after a match. If you look at them you can just tell they're dodgey characters. Look at that tall guy with long hair who got a cut in the game today, if I saw that guy coming to me I would crawl up and die because I know he'd want to stick it in my glory hole. And look at Kuyt, he's flipping haggard and dont get me started on Skrtel. Dont get me wrong Im a huge fan of Steven Gerrad cuz we share the same nationality but the rest can go sit in a trench and feast on the rotting carcass of a whore honestly, and that Joe Cole is a frikin traitor and I never liked him much. Im glad Torres realized his mistake and came to play for us, he even actually looks somewhat human and if I was a pillow biter like most Liverpool supporters I would say he almost looks pretty, in a screwed up way.

When my dear girlfriend told me what FAECAL matter was written on her I was quite disappointed. I just wanted to get a blue marker and say "Go sit in that corner and colour yourself in and dont you dare THINK about going into the kitchen and making me PIE until you are clean".

I dont mind guys that support a crap team like that but once you rope a poor defenseless girl into it then its just not right. If Scunthorpe told the girl Kraus is madly in love with to support Spurs then I would say thats foul play, and vice versa. If you are attached to a person then by default they are in line with your views unless they too know something about the sport and can make a decision for themselves, then they can support whoever they want but no guy is ever blessed with a girl that speaks the same language as they do, we have to nurture them like the little precious flowers they are and watch them bud and grow into the sorta person we'd want to spend the night watching a game/race with over our mates.

One of these days I'll watch a Chelsea game with my girl, I look forward to that cuz after that I'll know whether I can stomach watching the game with her or if I keep watching it with my mates who have passed the test countless times.

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