Thursday, February 24, 2011

The world needs to get its priorities straight

So as Im sure we've all heard the terrible news. In fact personally Im pretty gutted. My heart is in a million pieces, I've never felt a pain so real before... They've gone and cancelled Bahrain.

I understand that as humans we dont see that whats most important to us is what we take for granted. I mean I used to take happiness for granted until I started doing things I love and now that those things aren't here then what is to become of me? I love F1, I've been looking forward to this race since the last race of last season. It would've been the perfect week for me, a week of celebrating birth and then a weekend full of tyre smoke and action. Honestly I was more amped on the race than I was on anything else, in the world but now its gone because there is a national sorta crisis in the poor country.

What hurts the most is that just two weeks ago everyone was making a huge deal out of Egypt. What the crap has Egypt done for us? They enslaved the jews, traded slaves, made paper so that we'd write at school and they fed children to crocodiles and also have stupid deserts, they cant even drive and they always beat our soccer team. Like really come on, who wants to walk around a desert being chased by crocodiles with only a piece of paper as protection?

If we could realize what's important. We, as the human race, would go out and stop this civil unrest thats stopping my race from happening, 527 odd million people depend on it. I dont know if you know that many people but I can tell you from personal experience that that is a lot of unhappy people.

New Orleans had a tiny storm, millions of monies were donated to help. An american tripped in Hiatus and more millions were donated. Artists wrote songs, journalists wrote stories, churches had cake sales and even someone put on a concert but because its something I hold dear, no one is bothered to even know whats going on.

4 to 6 people have been killed already, does anyone know why? No they dont. Does anyone know where Bahrain even is? No they dont. Do I know whats going on there? No I dont but that doesn't mean I cant complain about it. Ima write a song, bake some cookies, call up on OG OJ and DJ Krause and put on a concert. We'll have dancing girls and fire breathers and lots of streamers and there'll be some punch and in the corner we'll have a game of pin the tail on the donkey and everyone will be invited, except for the Egyptions.

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