Monday, February 14, 2011

Saint Valentines Day

Tomorrow is Valentines Day. The day when some fat italian priest married sailors to soldiers or something like that and now He's dead and people have raped his legacy. People, girls in general, put lots of hype on this day and I guess its their magical fairytale day of love and believing in dreams coming true and whatever, its all bull frankly.

This is the first year I've had someone to share it with. Did I send her a rose, did I write her a card, did I buy chocolates? No I didnt, not because I dont care or anything but because I just dont like that day.

This year it worked it beautifully for us to do something on the day before and unfortunately it didnt work out but that doesn't mean we cant do something special any other time, in fact I would prefer that.

Out there lots of girls are gonna wake up in the morning feeling excited. They're gonna put on their red and white, taking time to pamper themselves and they'll leave their houses hoping that someone fancies them. Most of them will come home that night feeling very shattered and empty and who's fault is that? Its their fault for putting so much hype into something that is somewhat pointless and I for one am so glad that this year I am spared from witnessing all that. Year after year since my balls dropped I haven't done the red and white thing and till recently I didnt have a colour scheme but I've been told that its orange and green now which is fine.

Oh its fun believing in love. Commercial love with its hearts and arrows and glowing sunshines and walking hand in hand down the beach together, its all so lovely if you live so far up your ass that you believe that. This week I've had a whole bunch of babies ask me if I'd get them a rose and each time I've taken pleasure in telling them I dont believe in that day. The fatty wont get anything. The nerd with the pimples wont get anything, they may get something as a cruel joke but we all know thats all it is. The emo will get a dead bird which they'll act like they love but inside they're already cutting their wrists and for this I can honestly say I am thankful for what I have because I've told the lovely lady that I think its a waste and Im thankful that she hasn't called me up on it because I'd hate to look like a grinch. I love that she hasn't expected me to change into this model A sorta boyfriend who hands over his testicles in the begining of the relationship so she can rule with an iron claw. She has an iron claw alright but she wears a padded mitt that by the time its really dug in deep I've been lulled for so long that I didnt even notice, sly fox that...

This post must not be misunderstood though. Im not saying that its not good to show the person you love that you love and appreciate them. Im saying that its stupid to put that all up to one day and its events. I was going to get Gem some tulips, she knows why. I was gonna do the chocolate route because thats kinda safe on your first V-Day and I was gonna get her card, it would just be cardboard and I'd probably scribble something on it in the form of a humourous and inappropiate poem. Nothing says I still cant do that any other day of the year because I will, just not on a day when some bint is gonna go home crying because Brendan Kraus gave the teddy she gave him to some previously disadvantaged kid and ate all the heart chocolates without sharing.

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