Monday, February 21, 2011

We're in grade 7 but we aren't allowed in the Red Room

I remember how we used to look so forward to being in grade 7. All those privileges that we got, and then got taken away. We were the big shots so we could pretty much run things, it came with being the old dogs, it was expected of us.

Hahaha ah man it was always a scramble to get a couch. You'd sit there eating lunch with your friends and one day you'd rock up a little late and you'd find someone sitting on the couch you usually sit on and you're like "But I always sit there, um shouldn't it be obvious?". Those were good times because alot of crap was done there but then because of some stupid gits we got banned from parking there. Those silly people who hadn't hit puberty yet and still threw their sandwiches around while we were trying to sit with girls cuz we were cool like that and didnt play around when it was talking to girls time.

They took our Red Room away. Haha I cant really remember what we did after that but we found a new place to hang. We had alot of privileges taken from us and we always made do with something else somewhere, somehow we got them back but sometimes Im pretty sure they disappeared and if I think back now I dont think they were that missed.

I love how its easy to adapt to a situation. As humans we love a good thing and once its gone we either suffer or try to make a plan. I used to love System Of A Down but they went on a hiatus and then I got into Bloc Party. I sufferfed for a while but I found what I have now, had I not missed out on them, then I wouldn't be so into Bloc Party as I am now. I replaced something good with something better and thats what we always tend to do. You'll trade in your old car for something new, your old tv will break and you'll go out and get a better one, its all about progress. Like all those things aren't important but once you get used to something, sometimes its hard to adjust and you kinda wonder why you cant sit on your big comfy couch and eat your sandwiches if all you're doing is what you're meant to.

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