Saturday, October 30, 2010

Ukraine or bust

Ah its beautiful here, the water is blue and clear and ah this is a painted picture in 3-D.

Last night was the worst sleep of my life ooit. I woke up half way through with a lead stomach and contrary to popular belief, water does nothing to help.

We built a raft to carry us to Ukraine, we would've made it if we knew where it was. With Scunthorpe pulling strength out his ass, the rest of us being chased by ants and crocodiles. We didnt make it, we sunk on our first attempt on the water with our log and margate sign raft, clearly something we missed from Bear. We made the effort of collecting huge logs for at least 2 hours only go 2 meters and sink, explode and die.

Saturday night and superfuntimes shall ensue

Thursday, October 21, 2010

External voice boxes

Im not afraid of losing my voice...

I've been so sick this whole week it hasn't been pleasurable. Im sure its a rare Bolivian disease that is still unknown to man which you can only get from rare tree snails found in their jungle in the tree canopies. Its ok tho because even tho i cant breathe through my nose and my head aches and now my voice is threatening to leave, im not too worried.

The leaving voice is a new bit which would worry most but not me, i have Alimundi. My ben friend who shall be known as Alimundi does this thing where he will always speak on your behalf no matter what, especially when you have to tell a story. Its usually when we're around girls and he'll remember something you told him once and he'll say to you "weren't you savagely attacked by lions and were left for dead whilst you struggled for seven days in the harsh wilderness with no help and only the guidance of the migrating swallows?" and You'll be like "Ya that did happen" and he'll go "but didnt you find help in the face of the messiah in the watering hole and you kept vigil there for three days and were found?" and You'll nod and say "yes that also happened" and You'll think well what was the point of me being involved there when you've just gone and said the whole story to these girls so i may as well have just sat back there picking my nose and eating it.

So really if my voice goes anymore then I'll just have him come along to say everything for me cuz that way I'll still be involved to some degree.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Whose blueprint do we follow?

We like doing things that everyone has done and we like the things everyone likes and hate the things that everyone hates because it makes us feel safe.

I was thinkin about it the other day, we do need some sorta guidance no matter what we say but when does it start stifling our own personal grownth? Like we all understand our parents say they've gone through everything we're going through which i guess is true but at the same time its a whole lot different. At my age my dad was pretty much the breadwinner, juggling between school, work, family, girls and getting into vicious knife fights all the time. I on the other hand have a whole different set of problems, they may follow the same basic make up but they are completely different. With every new generation things get harder, i know it'll be hard for my kids because its not easy for me. Of course its not the end of the world and my life isn't a huge crap ball its actually pretty good I've been lucky in that respect but everything i face now is obviously gonna be the biggest problem in my life cuz i dont know any better.

Thats why i think to a certain point we need to make our own mistakes, not as a herd of people sharing the same mass produced brain but as individuals. One of the greatest things about being a human is that we can differentiate between what we want and need and then can make a proper informed decision about it, or at least i think so because i haven't seen a dog open the fridge and choose not to jump in and eat everything inside.

"Its Not What It Seems" by Z&G really says it all. Who knew it would make such sense. It speaks truth, i can just imagine two mirrored images of myself, the same person yet of completely different minds. Walking down the path as myself yet in the background the mirrored is there adding his two cents to the point where everyone stops and kinda try take stock of what is being said and done. Sometimes we need that, just to make sure we're still on the right path

Monday, October 18, 2010

Tell me why I dont like Mondays

This whole morning there has been something stabbing at me, like a little thorn stuck in the space between my toes that hurts each time I curl them.

I was fine before we left for school until round about Pav when the whole monday and school scenario kicked in. I get to school and they say we're on study leave which is great I guess, I should've read the notice board cuz that would've saved alot of effort. It just bugs me out how every monday always has something stupid going on that Im always the last to find out about and it ruins my whole life each time ah man this is stupid.

So here I am now sitting outside the computer lab in this dark corner and for now the quiet is really good, I usually sit in this corner when I need sleep. I have Fixtation Girl in my ears, this song was written with me in mind. Who knew Z&G would be so kind to me really.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


It takes on average, half an hour to 45 minutes to do a normal drive to Durban but today because of Kyle's mates we must suffer.

Have Kyles mates ever produced or done anythin great for humanity. You may relax on your carbon fibre seats and flick through your fancy Shimano gears while we sit in this miserable heat, while the waves deflate and the hot girls go into hiding.

You who rides your bike everywhere have no mates. You rock up smelling like a pigs crotch full of sweat, out of breath and stained with bugs all over your face. Seriously, cars were invented to get from A to B in the quickest and most convenient way possible so now you must try be clever because you claim you want to be fit but everyone knows Kyle's mates are all bitter eco mentalists. Sunday is the by you go out and drive vintage cars but because you hate everything non self propelled you make a point of having a stupid ride on a day of relaxation.

There is a reason why no motorist will have respect for Kyle's mates, its because you must all go and put your heads under a reversing truck where you belong

For the record...

For the record may it be known that I chose my sleeping place. All the consequences that may follow must rest upon my head as I have chosen this fate knowingly. No one else may be held responsible for my action. Amen.

P.S. Thank you Celeste for a wonderful drive in your japanese hatchaback, it made my night.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

There is music on but who else is here?

Today was brilliant...

Spent the day with the GF. So apparently I "seem like a nice biy" and that hosestly is the biggets complement that could be paid to me.

וואס די גענעם איך טאַקע וואַזאַנט יקספּעקטינג וואָס און ים אַמפּעד אָבער ווער ווייסט איך קען ציען עס אַוועק אָדער וואָלט אַפֿילו פּרווון. דארף מען די זויער צעקוועטשן קאָרסינג דורך מיין וועינס טאַקע. ים צופרידן איך געהאלטן מיין קאָפּ און גאָרנישט מער געטראפן אָבער נאָך עס איז געווען סקערי גאָרניט די ווייניקער.

I was told I told I could only get cut when the GF went home so that is exactly what I did, regardless of what she believes I say or mean, thats her baby I couldnt be bothered in the slightest I may care but Im not about to stress over faeces that I cant change so pity but what I said and did I meant so its your baby to nurse, Thank you Brian for that saying right there...

Had a magnificent time tonight and I may not be the most here person right now but I have been placed responsible and people are sleeping or shutting down so my job is pretty much done, let us enjoy the rest of the night right???

When night falls we become something else

I loved today. Sure I wrote easily over 9 hours of exams but that wasnt so bad because in the back of my mind all I really wanted was just to be free.

You ever get that feeling that drives you to do what you have to cuz the rewards on the otherside are just so much better than the suffering and hardship you face now? I wrote knowin that the weekend before me was one where I could finally let loose and greet my mind at the place I left it, the place where it was enjoying itself and now I can resume with it on a new adventure...

This here is a mention about Little Boy so he has to read the rest of my post now...

I saw my girlfriend. Its not such a big deal when its said but I had really given up the notion of seeing her at all for a long time, what with wanting to spend time with mates and wanting to have a proper race weekend. This relationship stuff is alot more fun than people give it credit for but its also frikin hard. I find that Im not one that has a firm grasp on my sanity so this whole thing does get me wondering sometimes. The very last thing anyone wants to do is let down those they care about which is why husbands keep it in thier pants and wives make glorious meals to keep us happy and I am no different. I constantly cross examine myself to the point where no positive shines through because if I suddenly feel Im doin everything right then I know for a fact that Im failing miserably. I dont want to wake up one day and say "I've done everything I set out to" because then what else will I have in this life? If there is any humanoid still dependant on me in some form then it is my duty to make sure that I am not the weak link in the chain, sure that is easier said than done though. Its hard to gauge when to move and when not to because you never know who you may bump into or may offend and its not premeditated or planned it is just pure mistake that cant be helped, its Murphy rearing his unwelcome head. It gets to a point where making any form of movement becomes a carefully planned excursion and now what fun is that?

I give this weekend up to the powers that be, what happens next shall nbe what was intended from the start and shall be greeted with the face of adventure I've come to long for and miss, capre diem...

Monday, October 11, 2010

Fixtation Girl

Haha was today was a bit of a fail, was meant to write an Afrikaans exam but didnt due to a faulty copy machine and who knew a new permit is 30 bucks for what really is a silly pink piece of paper, extortion!

I've been listening to Z&G's album non stop today ah man its amazing. Greg's vocals have always been my favourite in terms of male voices and its no disappointment here. It sounds so great with it being an effort of a proper band and not just one guy, the first album was frikin brilliant and is one of my favourites but this one is made by a full band from scratch and you can hear the difference. I have Fixtation Girl in my ears right now it is the best orgasm you'll ever have, some of these songs remind me alot of HIM who I've been listening to quite a bit lately with their melodic love metal sound.

Back to Fixtation Girl tho, i was just speakin to Winetlord about the age old debate about when it is acceptable to love. Ask me that question 6 months ago and i would've said only when you're 42 but now im not so sure... Now i've probably, hopefully, come to see that its really not as bad as I've made it all out to be. I mean sure some people do go crazy about it and claim to fall in love in a manner of moments but hello we are all different right? I mean this guy may love willingly and this guy may do it on the sly and this one may just have started making statuses about hamsters, we all do these things differently. I've decided to keep my judgment of others to a very minimal level because i would hate to be a hypocrit. Its ok to work your emotions the way you want and are comfortable with, strange lesson I've learnt recently and this song just goes and says it in its own mixed up yet cool way.

This album is like Intimacy but in a darker setting or maybe im just comparing my two favourite bands with no form of understandin but in my ears they wouldn't be lost on each other in terms of theme to a point. The Inside does have a few harder questions within it and Intimacy is a chronicling of the stages of a relationship but in some points they punch at the very same weight.

"hold me, darling. We could be, in love"

Saturday, October 9, 2010

The human soul is strange

I like to think im caring sometimes. Sure I dont give money to beggars because I think they either wanna mug me or use it for crack and I dont let people copy from my answer sheets because thats just taking credit for the hard work that I did but sometimes I do faulter...

Ok so this isnt exactly quite like the other examples but its caring none the less. Last night whilst feeling a bit emotionally exposed I couldnt help but over hearing a conversation that was obviously made to be as loud as possible. I wont get into it because there is no point in flogging a dead horse but seriously, was it worth it?

Now I know we all have our varying views and differences but seriously there is a way to go about expressing it in such a way that doesnt make everyone around you think you're a frikin tactless idiot. Its possible to do something to a point where its just over done. This is my blog so the things I write here I have every right to say because it is what I think and if it offends anyone then this is not something you should read and personally I think on average you are a fool.

Here is a cut down dejected wrench of a person, admittedly putting themself through unnecessary pain and hardship which is foolish in itself, and you are making it your solemn duty to make things a lot harder and awkward not just for them but for everyone else around that has to hear your silly infantile rants. I have nothing against a bit of drama and ribbing as long as it doesnt over stay its welcome or its not taken to a point where it becomes an all out one sided battle and on this count it is clearly the latter. It takes alot of courage to go out and face the world after they have condemned you to the gallows and I admire that, I admire that thing in the human soul that forbids us to go and hide in a corner from our troubles and motivates us to go out there and see the world in new eyes, probably one of the few redeeming factors about being human. I've never felt such empathy for someone, I've been on either side of that screen, having your lifehole cut up and being the one inflicting thge pain. Have you ever kicked a dying animal before? It just lies there accepting the attack and you wonder why it just wont give up and die but in the big scheme of thing the wheel is always revolving...

Dont get me wrong here im not condoning one side and putting down the other I have the same low level of regard for both but I just couldnt help squeezing that little girl, sometimes what we need when things get a bit rough is a bit of a squeeze, something I learnt when life became a drama.....

Friday, October 8, 2010

Social etiquette is strange

I think its common knowledge that its polite to greet people but when you're walking in a populated area its kinda hard to go greet everyone one by one so its allowed forw to just carry on walking oblivious to all the other bodies.

So now its all quiet back street stuff and no matter what kinda person you are, whether you're a hoodrat or a jock or a nerd or whatever, if you're in a one on one situation with someone you have to give some form of salutations whether its a nod of the head or a whats up or a flicking of the bird, anything.

So im walkin past this guy and He's all OG Whiteboy in his baggy school pants and cowboy walk, that walk is actually used to keep the pants up regardless of the belt thats there. So im walking towards homie and i do a quick assessment. Im positive he does the same as he comes towards me and We're both kinda glancing at the gap growin smaller between us and making our assumptions and judgements until We're like in front of each other and both of us simultaneously give a single nod and carry on with our lives. Somethin similar just happened now as i was writing this i came to a ye olde gentleman reading his post and a quick hello and one is off.

Do girls do this sorta thing or are they too busy sussing each other out? Strange cats those...

Lookie there, its superman

Ah wrote L.O yesterday. Its funny how silly teacher man said that half of the things in the exam weren't even covered in class so about 200 marks were guess work marks.

Besides that tho it was just brilliant, sittin back listenin to florence really put me in a rather lax mood.

Nothing to write today. I woke up at 2:50am to watch free practice 1, ah man i love suzuka so much but i was frikin tired so i even missed lewis crashin out. Gonna be a nice day today im hoping, seeing that person im eatingh I've never actually walked around kloof before. I've done hillcrest, pinetown, westville, durban, maritzburg but to properly do a proper session of kloof hasn't quite happened. I look forward to the adventure, i reckon one of these days when i come to power there shall be a day where nothing but walking around, would be fun and healthy and will save the planet cuz everyone will be too tired to go clubbing seals and setting fire to moors. Im a genius

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Cleaning the cage

Have you ever tried looking up names of well known pathological liars? They aren't easy to find, or many im just lazy but anyway I'll come across a fitting name eventually.

So i was speaking to cute little Hamster girl earlier and We're speakin about my Ben Friend and she tells me that no-name-suzie-due-to-lack-of-names-on-google is peeved off because she wants a slice of him as well. Now that made me laugh because last time i checked no-name-suzie-due-to-lack-of-names-on-google claimed that she was in no way interested and had moved on so to now get worked up over what other people choose to do puzzles me. If i went out and bought a cd and realized i didnt like it for some reason and put it up for sale in a garage sale and then got upset when it was bought, i would be nothing more than a foolish hypocrite. In fact a better analogy would be if i was given the cd and not bought it cuz i would have not much claim on it to begin with cuz i did nothing for it.

Saying this is your territory to stomp seems foolish to me, sure i haven't heard both sides of the story so i cant pass a full judgement, in fact im not judging anyone im just speakin my mind at the moment, its all a bit cliché to me, Girl Code some call it. The girl code is stupid i reckon, because you had some form of romantic feeling towards that person at some point somewhere none of your friends can even make the eyes at that person or they'll be killed and eaten by Bison, thats a bit much i rate.

If there's one thing i know its that friendship is the thing you gotta hold onto, no point in going to war over some runt with huge arms and a dinky knee, the thing is to understand that what is done is done so we allow a new era to come in and another may take their shot at the firing target. If we can all just realize that really all it takes for any situation to be mastered is a level of maturity and cleansing of all holds to it then we can finally stop living with our heads up our asses and be humans again. All i want are two front teeth

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Simulators are rainbow coloured

I was speaking to this hot doll the other day, she was flipping banging and we were talkin about racing games. She tells me she was cravin a go at somethin like need for speed and that got me thinking, how different are racing games?

Need for Speed is an arcade game, its all about going fast and crashing and not much else really which is all great but personally im more of a Gran Turismo man. Now there its a mix of everything made to be as life like as possible, Gran Turismo is a simulator.

I said to her that to better understand you must think of them as colours, on Need for Speed everything is either red blue or yellow, Gran Turismo is the full colour sphere, all rainbow like and beautiful. Its exactly what i needed today to help me get over my dismal exam.

I wrote an exam i didnt study for, i tried believe me but it didnt work out. About a coupla weeks ago, in fact maybe a month or two back i lent this guy my textbook and it was 2010 so no one went back to school in a rush and then we had a bit of normal school without havin that class cuz the teacher disappeared so i didnt need it back in a rush but then he disappeared forever so when i really needed it he was not around. I tried organizin to get it back but for one reason or another plans failed and im not really to cut up about it thats how things work so i put no blame on him but by jove it was hard tryin to guess huge answers outta nowhere. I spent well over 3 hours doing my biggest guess work to date and im sure i failed, not too concerned as long as i get good marks with the rest but still i was feeling rather down so i decided to bust up that Gran Turismo of mine and mellow out with some music.

I can gladly say i feel like a flipping machine, a mix of digital automotive erotica and Jack Parow in my ear have made me feel rather tasty, i now plan to conquer lunch which will be done easily with the fool proof chant of "Please butter me a roll"

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Humanity has become the biggest waste product of this world

Usually this kinda hate is reserved for greenies and babies and anythin that doesn't go by my standards but when what you are becomes what you hate, then what?

Im properly peeved with the way people have come to think. Thinkin for number one is what its all about these days it seems, surely we'd know thats not the way with all the wars and deaths and taxes flying around. As humans we are the only species that makes the same mistakes over and over again. If a rat gets its leg chopped off whilst walkin around It'll know not to go back there because at one point it experienced an excruciating pain and lost something dear to it because of it. We on the other hand dont think at all and thats just sad and stupid really.

Im not pleased with anythin right now. I have exams tomorrow and nothing is sinking in and thats just making me even more testy so every other little irritation is amplified to massive proportions and it bears the brunt of my hate, if i wasn't home alone i swear i would've murdered a child or two by now. I reckon we dont have any chance of being anything more than useless wastes of oxygen. We've broken nature, taken all the living space from animals, We've eaten all the food in the world, killed millions of polish people and we're still going around hurtin each other. Sure im not dropping bombs on my neighbours but its nearly the same thing if i were to go and slap them in the face. If i could i would take myself out of the whole human equation, i would become something completely disjointed, more powerful and more useful, at least then i wouldnt feel useless writing this post like all hope is gone for this silly thing we call life...

One day soon I'll stop gettin worked up over things but for now i like it, someone has to be bothered with the way things are going these days.

Even I face the green monster from time to time...

I know i shouldn't be bothered. I know it means nothing. I know it didnt happen and i know i shouldn't write this post but i just cant stew without venting.

I had a magical night, truely magnificent but i guess i just needed a bit of a prod to push me over. I've had a whole bunch of anxiety over the up coming week and i guess its decided to manifest itself as a bit of senseless rage. I used to have days of properly raging for no reason, just really get heavily angry and it would only last a little while and i would be fine again but its so much harder trying to rage when you have to keep it all under wraps.

Right now all I want is to be swallowed by an angel and pooped out as a happy little person, is that too much to ask? Like really i usually never go green Haha and its stupid that im thinkin about it now but its irritating me, i need to run it through my mind so it becomes used to it and numbs it but right now that just might not work. Have I not marked it well enough that i dont do the whole swinging thing? I am not omnipresent but surely red flags should come up when that thought dares to cross the mind? Im probably gettin a bit outta line. I understand how these things work, thinking is the last thing that takes place I've been there before i know what its like but its alot different being on this side of the fence, funny even. I love how i lack empathy it helps.

Haha ah am I intimidated? Maybe, maybe im a spineless pussy or maybe im just willing to hold onto what i have. In the words of Jack, "agh fok it, klaar geworry ek's klaar. As jy my soek ek's die ou met die snor by die bar"

Saturday, October 2, 2010

MTN8 Final at Moses

So studying tonight was cancelled.

Got a call from my dad with the offer to go out tonight and watch a soccer game. Obviously I said i'd go seein as its a much better way of spendin a saturday than in front of a bunch of text books that do absolutely nothing for me.

Game hasn't started but already its feeling rather nice here. Brilliant breeze rolling in, lots of noise, hot dolls doing who knows what in front of me and chilling with my Pa. Who knew he actually had mates?

Im not supportin anything tonight im just here for the atmosphere and i must say Moses is pretty, i really shouldn't have declined that World Cup ticket but this here is enough for me. We're sittin just behind the posts so im hoping for a proper PSL shot to come through so i can take a Jabulani home with me, if that happened i'd be too amped, too amped, too amped

Look at this guy, whats he thinking about

Haha ah man friends are funny. Most friends influence each other to do get pissed faced and strung high on drugs but mine as strange, they want me to have fun...

I love how these things work. One minute you're thinkin somethin then it comes and manifests itself in real life, i should be careful what i think next time. I've given it some thought and sure its not the most ideal thing to do right now but really, how hard can it be?

Im busy laughing here thinkin about it. Goin all the way back to primary school just to do something i should've done back then? Haha ah man imagine how funny it'll be, flippin funny Hahaha ah...

Long time.

Perfect conversation. Maybe what I need is a bit of time away from everything thats going on. Maybe i should take them up and take a trip to the countryside. This here brain needs to take some time off, look around and embrace. Im looking to behave and clearly i haven't been so that may just be a new outlet?

Well obviously thats not going to happen but its been a funny thought. Funny how this post is mainly a huge personal joke that even I've lost track of...

Friday, October 1, 2010

Im of the diseased kind

Its official, i have contracted Ebola.

It sucks so much, one minute i was perfectly fine and now my nose is blocked, my head is pounding and nothing seems to want to make sense, all i want to do is just crawl into a ball and sleep but alas i cant because i have to study.

The problem with having diptheria is that its so annoying. Im constantly blowing my nose and sneezing but thankfully im not coughing, coughing would be the final straw and i would hang myself. I cant rely on medicine cuz last time i took it i lost my mind completely and that was just terrible i honestly dont get how people can do drugs if that was anythin to go by.

This dementia is stupid, it just had to come when i have to study, all it does is make me want to sleep which isn't bad but its so inconvenient when you're trying to set yourself up for good marks. I need some muffins, cold juice and a functioning body right now, hopefully that'll work