Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Whose blueprint do we follow?

We like doing things that everyone has done and we like the things everyone likes and hate the things that everyone hates because it makes us feel safe.

I was thinkin about it the other day, we do need some sorta guidance no matter what we say but when does it start stifling our own personal grownth? Like we all understand our parents say they've gone through everything we're going through which i guess is true but at the same time its a whole lot different. At my age my dad was pretty much the breadwinner, juggling between school, work, family, girls and getting into vicious knife fights all the time. I on the other hand have a whole different set of problems, they may follow the same basic make up but they are completely different. With every new generation things get harder, i know it'll be hard for my kids because its not easy for me. Of course its not the end of the world and my life isn't a huge crap ball its actually pretty good I've been lucky in that respect but everything i face now is obviously gonna be the biggest problem in my life cuz i dont know any better.

Thats why i think to a certain point we need to make our own mistakes, not as a herd of people sharing the same mass produced brain but as individuals. One of the greatest things about being a human is that we can differentiate between what we want and need and then can make a proper informed decision about it, or at least i think so because i haven't seen a dog open the fridge and choose not to jump in and eat everything inside.

"Its Not What It Seems" by Z&G really says it all. Who knew it would make such sense. It speaks truth, i can just imagine two mirrored images of myself, the same person yet of completely different minds. Walking down the path as myself yet in the background the mirrored is there adding his two cents to the point where everyone stops and kinda try take stock of what is being said and done. Sometimes we need that, just to make sure we're still on the right path

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