Friday, October 1, 2010

Im of the diseased kind

Its official, i have contracted Ebola.

It sucks so much, one minute i was perfectly fine and now my nose is blocked, my head is pounding and nothing seems to want to make sense, all i want to do is just crawl into a ball and sleep but alas i cant because i have to study.

The problem with having diptheria is that its so annoying. Im constantly blowing my nose and sneezing but thankfully im not coughing, coughing would be the final straw and i would hang myself. I cant rely on medicine cuz last time i took it i lost my mind completely and that was just terrible i honestly dont get how people can do drugs if that was anythin to go by.

This dementia is stupid, it just had to come when i have to study, all it does is make me want to sleep which isn't bad but its so inconvenient when you're trying to set yourself up for good marks. I need some muffins, cold juice and a functioning body right now, hopefully that'll work

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