Thursday, October 21, 2010

External voice boxes

Im not afraid of losing my voice...

I've been so sick this whole week it hasn't been pleasurable. Im sure its a rare Bolivian disease that is still unknown to man which you can only get from rare tree snails found in their jungle in the tree canopies. Its ok tho because even tho i cant breathe through my nose and my head aches and now my voice is threatening to leave, im not too worried.

The leaving voice is a new bit which would worry most but not me, i have Alimundi. My ben friend who shall be known as Alimundi does this thing where he will always speak on your behalf no matter what, especially when you have to tell a story. Its usually when we're around girls and he'll remember something you told him once and he'll say to you "weren't you savagely attacked by lions and were left for dead whilst you struggled for seven days in the harsh wilderness with no help and only the guidance of the migrating swallows?" and You'll be like "Ya that did happen" and he'll go "but didnt you find help in the face of the messiah in the watering hole and you kept vigil there for three days and were found?" and You'll nod and say "yes that also happened" and You'll think well what was the point of me being involved there when you've just gone and said the whole story to these girls so i may as well have just sat back there picking my nose and eating it.

So really if my voice goes anymore then I'll just have him come along to say everything for me cuz that way I'll still be involved to some degree.

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