Saturday, October 16, 2010

When night falls we become something else

I loved today. Sure I wrote easily over 9 hours of exams but that wasnt so bad because in the back of my mind all I really wanted was just to be free.

You ever get that feeling that drives you to do what you have to cuz the rewards on the otherside are just so much better than the suffering and hardship you face now? I wrote knowin that the weekend before me was one where I could finally let loose and greet my mind at the place I left it, the place where it was enjoying itself and now I can resume with it on a new adventure...

This here is a mention about Little Boy so he has to read the rest of my post now...

I saw my girlfriend. Its not such a big deal when its said but I had really given up the notion of seeing her at all for a long time, what with wanting to spend time with mates and wanting to have a proper race weekend. This relationship stuff is alot more fun than people give it credit for but its also frikin hard. I find that Im not one that has a firm grasp on my sanity so this whole thing does get me wondering sometimes. The very last thing anyone wants to do is let down those they care about which is why husbands keep it in thier pants and wives make glorious meals to keep us happy and I am no different. I constantly cross examine myself to the point where no positive shines through because if I suddenly feel Im doin everything right then I know for a fact that Im failing miserably. I dont want to wake up one day and say "I've done everything I set out to" because then what else will I have in this life? If there is any humanoid still dependant on me in some form then it is my duty to make sure that I am not the weak link in the chain, sure that is easier said than done though. Its hard to gauge when to move and when not to because you never know who you may bump into or may offend and its not premeditated or planned it is just pure mistake that cant be helped, its Murphy rearing his unwelcome head. It gets to a point where making any form of movement becomes a carefully planned excursion and now what fun is that?

I give this weekend up to the powers that be, what happens next shall nbe what was intended from the start and shall be greeted with the face of adventure I've come to long for and miss, capre diem...

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