Monday, October 18, 2010

Tell me why I dont like Mondays

This whole morning there has been something stabbing at me, like a little thorn stuck in the space between my toes that hurts each time I curl them.

I was fine before we left for school until round about Pav when the whole monday and school scenario kicked in. I get to school and they say we're on study leave which is great I guess, I should've read the notice board cuz that would've saved alot of effort. It just bugs me out how every monday always has something stupid going on that Im always the last to find out about and it ruins my whole life each time ah man this is stupid.

So here I am now sitting outside the computer lab in this dark corner and for now the quiet is really good, I usually sit in this corner when I need sleep. I have Fixtation Girl in my ears, this song was written with me in mind. Who knew Z&G would be so kind to me really.

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