Sunday, October 17, 2010


It takes on average, half an hour to 45 minutes to do a normal drive to Durban but today because of Kyle's mates we must suffer.

Have Kyles mates ever produced or done anythin great for humanity. You may relax on your carbon fibre seats and flick through your fancy Shimano gears while we sit in this miserable heat, while the waves deflate and the hot girls go into hiding.

You who rides your bike everywhere have no mates. You rock up smelling like a pigs crotch full of sweat, out of breath and stained with bugs all over your face. Seriously, cars were invented to get from A to B in the quickest and most convenient way possible so now you must try be clever because you claim you want to be fit but everyone knows Kyle's mates are all bitter eco mentalists. Sunday is the by you go out and drive vintage cars but because you hate everything non self propelled you make a point of having a stupid ride on a day of relaxation.

There is a reason why no motorist will have respect for Kyle's mates, its because you must all go and put your heads under a reversing truck where you belong

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