Saturday, October 16, 2010

There is music on but who else is here?

Today was brilliant...

Spent the day with the GF. So apparently I "seem like a nice biy" and that hosestly is the biggets complement that could be paid to me.

וואס די גענעם איך טאַקע וואַזאַנט יקספּעקטינג וואָס און ים אַמפּעד אָבער ווער ווייסט איך קען ציען עס אַוועק אָדער וואָלט אַפֿילו פּרווון. דארף מען די זויער צעקוועטשן קאָרסינג דורך מיין וועינס טאַקע. ים צופרידן איך געהאלטן מיין קאָפּ און גאָרנישט מער געטראפן אָבער נאָך עס איז געווען סקערי גאָרניט די ווייניקער.

I was told I told I could only get cut when the GF went home so that is exactly what I did, regardless of what she believes I say or mean, thats her baby I couldnt be bothered in the slightest I may care but Im not about to stress over faeces that I cant change so pity but what I said and did I meant so its your baby to nurse, Thank you Brian for that saying right there...

Had a magnificent time tonight and I may not be the most here person right now but I have been placed responsible and people are sleeping or shutting down so my job is pretty much done, let us enjoy the rest of the night right???

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