Saturday, October 9, 2010

The human soul is strange

I like to think im caring sometimes. Sure I dont give money to beggars because I think they either wanna mug me or use it for crack and I dont let people copy from my answer sheets because thats just taking credit for the hard work that I did but sometimes I do faulter...

Ok so this isnt exactly quite like the other examples but its caring none the less. Last night whilst feeling a bit emotionally exposed I couldnt help but over hearing a conversation that was obviously made to be as loud as possible. I wont get into it because there is no point in flogging a dead horse but seriously, was it worth it?

Now I know we all have our varying views and differences but seriously there is a way to go about expressing it in such a way that doesnt make everyone around you think you're a frikin tactless idiot. Its possible to do something to a point where its just over done. This is my blog so the things I write here I have every right to say because it is what I think and if it offends anyone then this is not something you should read and personally I think on average you are a fool.

Here is a cut down dejected wrench of a person, admittedly putting themself through unnecessary pain and hardship which is foolish in itself, and you are making it your solemn duty to make things a lot harder and awkward not just for them but for everyone else around that has to hear your silly infantile rants. I have nothing against a bit of drama and ribbing as long as it doesnt over stay its welcome or its not taken to a point where it becomes an all out one sided battle and on this count it is clearly the latter. It takes alot of courage to go out and face the world after they have condemned you to the gallows and I admire that, I admire that thing in the human soul that forbids us to go and hide in a corner from our troubles and motivates us to go out there and see the world in new eyes, probably one of the few redeeming factors about being human. I've never felt such empathy for someone, I've been on either side of that screen, having your lifehole cut up and being the one inflicting thge pain. Have you ever kicked a dying animal before? It just lies there accepting the attack and you wonder why it just wont give up and die but in the big scheme of thing the wheel is always revolving...

Dont get me wrong here im not condoning one side and putting down the other I have the same low level of regard for both but I just couldnt help squeezing that little girl, sometimes what we need when things get a bit rough is a bit of a squeeze, something I learnt when life became a drama.....

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