Monday, October 11, 2010

Fixtation Girl

Haha was today was a bit of a fail, was meant to write an Afrikaans exam but didnt due to a faulty copy machine and who knew a new permit is 30 bucks for what really is a silly pink piece of paper, extortion!

I've been listening to Z&G's album non stop today ah man its amazing. Greg's vocals have always been my favourite in terms of male voices and its no disappointment here. It sounds so great with it being an effort of a proper band and not just one guy, the first album was frikin brilliant and is one of my favourites but this one is made by a full band from scratch and you can hear the difference. I have Fixtation Girl in my ears right now it is the best orgasm you'll ever have, some of these songs remind me alot of HIM who I've been listening to quite a bit lately with their melodic love metal sound.

Back to Fixtation Girl tho, i was just speakin to Winetlord about the age old debate about when it is acceptable to love. Ask me that question 6 months ago and i would've said only when you're 42 but now im not so sure... Now i've probably, hopefully, come to see that its really not as bad as I've made it all out to be. I mean sure some people do go crazy about it and claim to fall in love in a manner of moments but hello we are all different right? I mean this guy may love willingly and this guy may do it on the sly and this one may just have started making statuses about hamsters, we all do these things differently. I've decided to keep my judgment of others to a very minimal level because i would hate to be a hypocrit. Its ok to work your emotions the way you want and are comfortable with, strange lesson I've learnt recently and this song just goes and says it in its own mixed up yet cool way.

This album is like Intimacy but in a darker setting or maybe im just comparing my two favourite bands with no form of understandin but in my ears they wouldn't be lost on each other in terms of theme to a point. The Inside does have a few harder questions within it and Intimacy is a chronicling of the stages of a relationship but in some points they punch at the very same weight.

"hold me, darling. We could be, in love"

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