Saturday, December 18, 2010

Claimers are annoy

Tonight has been rather splendid. Chilled wuth the mates, made fun with the giff and others...

I dont like it when things are claimed though. So apparently again I was macking hoes but the funny thing is, I was just havin a dimck with a mate who just happens to be a girl. I have a certain respect for girls and mates and there is a line that you dont cross and thankfully I havent crossed it so I was annoyed when the Gay claimed such things. Im a nice boy by the way, I am somewhat respectable when I choose to be and I can wipe my own bum so lets just chill with the claims.

Dear Bugborn.

Thank you for getting us in trouble for no reason. We dont go around kicking peoples dogs so you can tell your FatBint mates to chill on the aqusations and just go to bed. We have no beef with dogs and dont go around kicking them in the face so its chilled.

Come around more often when you aren't a queer and we can be mates...

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