Tuesday, December 28, 2010

I want to declare a war

Funny how a day which had so much going for it could turn out so frikin crap...

Shmeckles Day, 4 months and a family day rolled into one, disaster shall ensue. Its like having a movie with a superstar cast, it'll bomb out much like Tropic Thunder. We get home and Im given the biggest grilling of my life for something I didnt even do. My parents have this way of taking a whole portion of blame and dumping it on everyone which doesn't solve a single thing and you who've done nothing at all are just as guilty and I was completely fed up, I was ready to get stuck into this argument but they know how I operate, they know how to go round in such a way that makes me rethink about blowing my gasket.

I thought that was the worst of my rotten luck done and I guess I kinda deserved the next bit I mean I didnt so much as provoke the bear when I cancelled those plans. I guess in the eyes of others it could be seen as an excuse to hang out with friends and really maybe any other day it could've been and so I get the animosity and hostility but my word today wasn't the day for it. My thoughts were flying at about a million miles in the wrong direction and thank all that is seen as higher power for my "screw this crap" attitude or I would've really gotten stuck in there and that would've been the wrong place to release all my pent up anger and frustration. Im still quite peeved I wont lie, I may have been rather irrate at one point but this too shall pass.

To add injury to insult, I couldn't even watch the one thing that I was certain would pick up my spirits. All I've been looking forward to today was watching the Chelsea vs Arsenal game and well that clearly didnt happen with the roommates I have. Guess its good that I didnt watch it or else I would've been in an even worse state and this throbbing headache I've gone and picked up hasn't helped matters at all...

Here's to tomorrow being better, the week being a marvel and to a bit of level headedness...

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