Saturday, December 11, 2010

There is music on but who else is here? (Restated in a way that gives a certain understanding)

There"s just some things that happen that make no sense at all but ahh when that happens you just like, "Well that was gonna come anyway"

The problem with being an individual as I've always noticed is actually proving yourself to being one thus actually being exactly the same as everyone else and when that happens then what is the point? I mean really all you do is just try find a common ground where safety I guess is all you search for, where impartiality is what makes you feel somewhat pointful and when those motives are questioned then what? Don't get me wrong, I do love the moments of just re-finding yourself and every word was a slap to the face that I accepted full on, I embraced what is there for what it is and for something that when thought up again shall be something that brings the "Silent Smile" to my face. You know that smile you get when you realize that you are the only one that knows this truth that has either been spoken to you or said to you and you just know that this is where you lie, its honestly the best place to be.

Its pointless to lie to a person that can see right through you, I have a sort of understanding that brings something to the fore of my mind to a point where something were to happen, its already played in my mind so there is no point in keeping it from a me. I get that it has happened,it is of no consequence to me and it shall have no implications as long as it is said to me in the given time right?

Coldplay did nothing to help a situation, I thought Bloc Party were the band to really break a person but Chris Martin and his mates can really do damage. At the end of the day we are tight knit to a point where knitting becomes infantile...

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