Thursday, December 30, 2010

You're only as good as your last game...

So here we are, the aftermath has been seen and although no one knows where to from here I can gladly say that the moments that lead up to this place are quite something.

Its a pity that once say, a highly mediocre, barely noticeable, say uh, team has a good once off spell against say, a brilliant, shining beacon of power, skill and unimaginable excellence, people tend to forget where their place is... Sure we can never expect brilliance to shine out our asses all the time but in those moments we also cant forget just what can happen when things do go well as they always will eventually. Maybe Im giving the biggest ego boosting Bjob but come on, we're world champions for heavens sake. Pity about the draw there, Im sure you'll have a lot to skryf about hmmm??

Here comes the dreaded new year.

People take this time to kinda asses and change themselves. I on the other hand LOVE myself right now, I couldn't be a better me than Im being right now. Sure there are points I could change but I mean screw that crap esse. New Years has been "planned" and I hold fingers that it does not rear up its cursed head of disappointment but actually shines upon us in a favourable light we've only ever heard of in strange visions and dreams of others.

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