Monday, December 27, 2010

I've been driving, a mid sized car

If all Mondays were like this I'd be a happy person.

Was woken up at half 7 on the dot and got told to get ready, for what I didnt know. At about 10 all were ready and we set out on a journey. Spent the day in the midlands which wasn't so bad, they seem to have nice food and Im sure they have nice animals as well.
My dad deposited the family at the zoo and then we went driving.

I've done alot of proper driving lately with the father now on leave but today was much better. I dont have a heavy right foot, its just big so its a bit of a challenge to keep at a constant speed when the road is open and the bends allow you to take them from behind at atleast 100. I had my Stig moment of some lovely wheelspin. The smell of tyre smoke is actually quite nice, its sweet and sickly, kinda like burning human flesh, it tickles the nose and you can almost taste it and you just cant help taking another whiff.

I've decided that my happy place is actually behind the wheel. I've always known this to be true but I am officially admitting it, grinning like an eejit doesn't come often but I swear when you move the earth you feel like you've gone and conquered many nations before you've even set out. You have not lived until you've shifted stick and no one can claim any other experience in life to be better cuz there just isn't. Im going to move to either Davos or Stelvio and drive that pass everyday in a Lamborghini or maybe even Godzilla for the rest of my life, I dont care about food, water, women or anything else that doesn't really make much sense. There just isn't anything out there that is better than the joys offered by the Gods of Automotives.

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