Saturday, December 11, 2010

I lost my copy of "How To Be A Good Boyfriend For Dummies"

So if we look back to say about 3 months ago I think it is, the similarities are astounding. I find it funny because really all we do is just repeat events. Back then I was being killed and eaten for liking someone and now Im being killed and eaten for  not doing it to the set standards? I dont do the whole "pictures of us making out on myFace" or being attached at the hip and such things. Its been a while since the WD was a proper little Jack Russel, I knew it would come but I was enjoying the moments of quiet. I dont see why she has to act up, it gives away more than she understands. When you have alteria motives then at leaast do so in a quiet way really, I've played these games for much longer than Im willing to admit..

So the story goes that I fail at caring, I dont show to everyone what I show to my girlfriend which is fine cuz Im not dating everyone so whats the point?
It seems that I cant follow the rules of being a text book boyfriend, I cant show my emotions in lavender scented heart stickers, I dont carve the name of my lover onto my chest with a razor, I haven't made a huge scrapbook containing every movie ticket and photo and till slip of everything we've ever done together. I refuse to change how I conduct myself in my relationships. I've never made it a public affair, I've never been concerned with making those not involved happy in anyway and I dont see why I should. I am not perfect, Im frikin imperfect by todays standards but I like how I do it, I like that I dont have to spend every waking hour bombarding my girlfriend in lovey text messages.

Im not saying I dont do anything remotely boyfriend like because I do, I wll tell my girlfriend I love her when I feel the need just to put it out there for her so she doesnt think that I am some kinda strange being, I like it. I like how she knows just how much she means to me, how when shes around she makes me happy in many ways that someone else who is not in that situation just wouldnt get, its funny.

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