Monday, January 3, 2011

I wont tear myself apart if you promise to paint me, as a work of art

"Summer time has come and gone, all used up with wishful thinking..." Bloc Party know how to put words to thoughts, they have tongues which they use to relay themselves hence I understand them so well..

2010 was officially only a month long, Im not sure what you call all that time afterwards but that too is also over. I can happily say that new years was the most interesting new years I've had ooit. It was just one mash up adventure. From flipping missioning to get ice, nearly being killed in the process to walking around being offered ganja to bloody having a mob of locusts come and throw cereal around our camp and all the randoms who either had their tits felt, woke up in other peoples beds or were there but no one knew who they were because we only spoke in hand gestures...

I think the best part for me was the debauchery. From my point of view where I assume Im in a committed relationship it all looks so funny. I completely understand everything done by those people, its new years and as a latent rule you are kinda forgiven for having a one track mind. Sure its not a good thing to do haha but its still funny. Im just waiting for someone to come to their frikin senses so there are some actual people with gall who will get their heads out their ass and make some bloody drama. This fairy stuff that goes on, this "its ok babe i'll forgive you" is frikin bullshit, there's something you refuse to be hypocritical about, I know these things I've played these games before. I must add though that Im honestly, unbelievably proud of Kirby for having the balls to confess to her eyebrowed wonder of her little moment of abandon, its not often you see people do that these days and to me thats a quality worth more than anything else.

I went there in one state of mind and left in a completely different one. I didnt know who'd be there, frankly I didnt care either. At one point I did pull a "Goat-Looking James" and just didnt trust completely. Im sure Im right in doing so, at some point I'll be right because if I spent my nights alone with girls in tree houses, surely that would spark suspicion, not just from my immediate connect but also from those around haha and those around can really tell a believable story.

Im not heaping any praise on this year because Im sure that'll just make it fail, as long as my trusted F1 delivers then I am a happy man.

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