Friday, January 28, 2011

Basic elements may confuse

One day, maybe not today, probably in years to come, I'd like to be mature. It wont happen over night but I think that Im on the path to getting to the point where I look at my current situations and think, "Yeah that was a mature way to handle it, whatup".

You ever tried playing with fire? Its dangerous. One minute you could be laying there on the floor watching a deo can sit inside a flame and next thing you know there could be flame lapping at the very foundations of where you lay your head to sleep. Its all such a tricky thing. You think you have it under control and then bam its all up in flames and sometimes you're able to get it down, you're able to put it out and its only just a little whimper and that gives you a fake confidence, a confidence that says well if it were to happen next time you could handle it but really, one of these days those flames are just gonna be a bit too hot and a bit too fast for you to put out and you're gonna burn ekse, you're just gonna be engulfed by those orange devils and as you helplessly burn you'll think "It said 'caution flammable' and yet here I am".

The natural alternative to fire is ice. So sure it doesn't turn you into ashes and charcoal. Ice is kinda safe I guess, it keeps you preserved in a sense. You know that if you park off there you'll stay intact, many years from now people will come across you still preserved whole and once you thaw out you'll realize you've pretty much missed out on a whole life time.

Both fire and ice will kill you, there is no way around that but which is more exciting? They say the only way to fight fire is with fire but what if you just dont have it in you to spark a flame, a bit cold? Ice is a solid and pretty simple in its make up but hard to keep that way when you're also a bit too warm.

The best alternative is water. Its hot ice or cold fire in a sense. Everyone loves water, it keeps you satisfied, you can heat it up or you can cool it down. You can really work with it but push too much and it'll evaporate or it'll freeze over. You really cant please the elements can you?

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