Monday, January 17, 2011

Girls are funny Ha-Ha

"If I had one last thing to say before I did, I'd wish you never justify the way I treated you"

Brilliant words by my friend Greg there. Some may see them as a guy crying out to his lover saying how he was a bad person and such but to the normal male who actually knows whats potting, you can see that what he actually means is "Bitch you want too much".

Girls always complain that us guys never say the right things or do the right things that make them happy, that we're heartless jerks, egotistical pigs, insensitive bastards and other names and what they dont realize is that saying those things is so empowering. No guy wants to be known as the sweet guy who says all the right things and treats the girls perfectly cuz really that guy there is forgotten after some ass comes and sticks his thumb in your eye. There seems to be this way of thinking that females have that we're meant to be these Gods that tend to their every emotional whim and we're meant to be like those guys on tv who are mysterious, gentle but with a mean edge, loved by the friends and still have time to come back and rub their feet while we prepare rhubarb pie for them to gorge on.

Frankly thats a huge misconception especially when applied to the average teenage boy, if not every teenage boy. As a teenage boy only a few things register. Your mates, debauchery and the last crap you took.

We cant say the things you want to hear because we dont know them, we cant tell you how we feel about you at that very moment, we cant be your knight in shining armour, we cant be best friends with everyone on your social networking sites and you're frikin stupid if you think we're about to be that hero on tv that comes into the room and has his own little theme music playing softly, nein screw that crap.

Haha if girls realized that and how little demands we make sometimes then trust me, you little cheese dippers will understand just how happiness will come to you...

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