Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Why is it that Murphy comes?

The theory of Murphy's law puzzles me sometimes...

Like sometimes really, why must something thats not meant to happen, happen? Why cant the universe just chill and be like "You know what, today I'll bust a spliff instead of screwin people over". I decide to charge my poor beloved telephone and as she feeds off the juicy goodness of electricity, it dies.. I mean come on, why now when I've lined up a massive night of viewing pleasure, Curb your enthusiasm is on, I want to see Arsenal lose again, I was watchin RPM which to some apparently sounds like a porn channel and not a car program?

My poor darling mustn't decide She's gonna turn 40... The downside to my genius of hookin up Mxit with my blog is that I only have 1000 characters compared to the 5500 odd ones I had before, you see, stupid Murphy ruining my triumphant moment...

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