Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Im becoming a pussy...

Just watched Green Street Hooligans and its still just as great as it was before. Right now Im amped to have a pint and get into scuffle. I loved how frikin british that movie was, sure there was a yank in it but he did crap all, it was all about the queens men. The american accents did annoy me cuz all I wanted to hear was that lovely pommie accent. I will return to my home country soon...

There was a part that got me though in that movie. Poor homie is down at the bar sorting out his wife's kid brother when other goons come up and he gets stabbed in the neck with a beer bottle. Thats a frikin dick thing to do and Im pretty sure it hurt like crap having someone stick a bottle into your juggular. But what really got me is that someone somewhere had to phone the wife and be like "ma'am your husband is in hospital, he's been stabbed".

Imagine how gay it must be hearing that. Imagine how my family would feel if that happened to me, how bleak Kim would be? "Miss Kardashian-Sithole, your husband is in hospital and some pillock stuck him with an Archers bottle", She'd be frikin devastated, my poor Mikel would have a father who speaks to him with one of those external voice box machines. Ok it would be different for me, I'd probably be in hospital after some strange car accident thats not my fault because I have unbelievable car control once I get it off the line so it would probably be some stupid bear that wondered into the middle of the road and I swerved to miss it which I successfully did because I did some fancy wizardry with all three pedals, the gear shift, the traction and stability control buttons and hand break but as I come out of my glorious slide some stupid truck t-boned me, I wouldn't die though because that'll only happen once I own an SLR Mc Laren and it'll be in a huge fireball where I'll be nicely cremated, saves Kim the hassle.

But anyway I was just so bleaked out by that, the poor family. I'd never ever wanna put Kim and Mikel through anything like that. What makes me laugh though is how all these things are getting to me lately, I think I must be pregnant or something cuz my sad gland has been on high alert. After watching The Time Traveller's Wife with Scunthorpe, I cant stand seeing little families all sad, especially the dolls, shame...

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