Thursday, September 30, 2010

Armed response?

So yesterday afternoon im at home minding my own business when i hear this huge commotion of cars and such people making a noise, i look over the wall and i see a whole bunch of security people huddled over this man trying to pin him to the ground.

It looked interesting and everything and then i was told that he was a loon who had escaped from a hospital van and was walking the streets trying to find his way home, somehow all these security company people got alerted and were looking for him, just my luck they happen to catch him outside our house. You'd think that because these people are trained to stop people stealing your piano while you're sleeping they would know how to detain one man. Here they are, 5 of them, not realizing that a simple tazer which i guess is standard issue now would be more than enough to stop the crazy person.

To cut a long story short i was called out to try help them keep him down while they struggled to put handcuffs on him. Honestly if 5 homies can barely take on one half naked man with no underwear on, how the hell are they gonna take on someone trying to steal your piano, do they need to be shot killed and eaten before they realize they have a whole arsenal of weapons on those utility belts of theirs?

Monday, September 27, 2010

Your one month contract has been renewed

I love how we make big  deals out of normal everyday occurences, well at least I do sommetimes. This whole post is me pretty much looking at things with a magnifying glass. Ok so its the 27th of September, just read Greg's myFace status and the only reason today is my birthday is now out in stores.

My Ben friend is havin his knee hacked at by Turk and Todd. Now he has a story to tell when he feels like pickin up chicks, pitty he doesnt know that handbrake turns turn girls on, not scars.

In the days of old one month would be the point where I say, "Ok its been long, enough time has been spent here, time to move on and be single and bitch about how useless girls are". Strangely though I feel no different from the start, its still tasty in my eyes, its all still where I want to be, its all still human and civil so I relax.

Lewis Hamiltion was asked once how long he was planning to stay with Mc Laren or would he move to another team and look for greener pastures now that he'd won the world champoinship and he said, "Once the time comes that I step into my car and I find Im not smiling, thats when I know its time"...


Saturday, September 25, 2010

God's Bathroom

Head, pressure, senses, clutched
Date, Divinity, wouldn't, fuck
Touched, hazy, God, change
Rush, floor, life, veins

From a head full of pressure rests the senses that I clutch
Made a date with Divinity, but she wouldn't let me fuck
I got touched by a hazy shaded, God help me change
Caught a rush on the floor from the life in my veins

It goes one for the cannabis, and two for your dianoetics
Three for your reasoning, and four for those that try to get it
Five for your love, and six for the stress
And seven for the day that I climbed into this mess


I'm catching ulcers from the child proof lighters
And all these fine tooth biters that keep the wires in my head tighter
I'm tired out by the distances achieved walking in my sleep
Floors got shifted since the high i got a tad too deep
Ask dad to keep cool, I'll call him back as soon as I resume normal
And get out of this bathroom
And call management to seek some reimbursement
For the nerve ending that burnt from the first hits


So fuck needles, fuck smoke
Fuck lines that make the sinus choke
Fuck chasers, trails, fuck waves and rails
Fuck hang-overs, fuck hallucinations
Regurgitations, mandatory sentences and UA tracing
Blind my insight and dull the common sense
Give me INHIBITION, kill the superstition and the confidence
Built the tolerance, now it's more that I consume it
When it boards up my room, the world's whores will croon in unison
Unify the eulogy, autopsy pages read euthanasia, I.E., irony
But here I be within a pool of my drool
Sedated, windows dilated, comatose, life overdose
Tell Jacob Miles to keep it wild style
I promise I'll smile
And check the floor, God's got nice tile
Tell Jacob Mile to keep that shit wild style
And I'll smile
And check the floor, God's got nice tile


Head, pressure, senses, clutched
Date, Divinity, wouldn't, fuck
Touched, hazy, God, change
Rush, floor, life...

I dont play these games...

Today is sucha  beautiful day. Its so nice and overcast and its misty and wet, Im cold but fine with it, my kinda day. Had to share the same sleeping space with Lord Farquaad and yes it was a tight squeeze. The pillock cannot keep to himself. I had to fight him off my person 4 times, the first time it was ok because I kind only expected it to happen once but after a while I wasnt pushing him off, I was actually kicking him, got him in the chest at one time.

National Braai Day yesterday and it was a good day. So I have this girlfriend person and what not, haha ah so we spent the day together, lets say 11 and a half hours? Usually I dont do that, I get bored after a while and want to go pick daisies with my friends and yes I may have thought about them at some point but weirdly the urge was hardly there, I even slept during the day which is something generally impossible for me to do and sure it was probably like 10 minutes but it happened so I must thank you...

Hmm how do I put this... There is a level way a person usually acts, like I would hope in most cases Im considered to be somewhat normal and mature? I was looking around last night at all the pairs of people who were obviously joint at the hip cuz they all insisted on sharing a chair, myself included, and on the one side you get Hamster people, It was mostly male bravado and innuendos that were pretty obvious but seemed to be doing the job, dropping lines that would have them thinking.

And then just over there it was kinda similar but it was a bit further on than that. Working together to make impressions on each other because they've pretty much proven and secured each other so its not pressing but they still keep each other interested.

And then I looked back to us and I laughed a thousand laughs. "Donkey died, daddy cried, niggies not on". After all the clever song remarks and the close little eye winkings of the other pairs to the cackling of hyenas when it came to us Im sure people would assume these were a bunch of children and sure I will admit it was a bit child like but ah I loved it. I love the nonsense that springs up outta those kinda situations, proper tom foolery that others wont get but because its happenin at that time with that person it just doesnt matter, sure its not who you are and what you do for a living but when the mood to be a children takes, you dont let go. Thats all I wanted really, relaxed normality, not being governed by the need to perform that takes so many people now days. I sometimes hark back to those simpler times when things happened in more relaxed tones and sure Im too old for those things and I dont condone acting vaugely immature all the time but I would be lying if I said I didnt enjoy it...

Speaking about how one acts... I dont get why I must be flicked the bird, called a fxxk and then slapped in the face? If Im honest I'll admit that I did expect a little stand off of some kind, one cant not expect to be hit by a pie in the face at a clown school. I didnt however think I would be flicked the bird for scratchin my eyebrow on someones back, called a fxxk for laughing at a joke I was being told and then being slapped for sitting down and minding my own business. I promised I'd behave so the only thing I could do was keep my remarks, insults and various curses to myself and Im glad I did that, I dont play these games, I can get over something, I lack the ability to go on forever about something over and over again I get bored easily. I dont forget but I do clear it all to the back and after a while last night I was over it and Im sure the Watch Dog and I had a few decent conversations after that and I chose to ignore the little comments that were aimed for a bit of confrontation.

Im not at a stage where I cant be civil with people, I bury the hatchet but even so it is a shallow grave...

Thursday, September 23, 2010

I dont care what you say about your mates but mine are the best...

Ah here I am with My Ben friend writing my blog.

I've had a reasonably good day, I got out of school cuz my mom wanted to do some shopping which was chilled by me. I got my way on much quicker to be with the guys and it was most certainly worth it.

Scunthorpe decided to have a braai and I would've loved to see your face but ah my friends are beast machines.

I will admit I do miss my mates alot, Im so glad to be having some guy time. Have you ever just wanted to be with those of your kind that get who and what you want to do? Its been a good little braai and we can really do our thing and Im going on and on about nothin that is relevent but Im nearly "on" so Im about to leave...

Lets just say I wouldnt trade any of these guys for crap all...

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

New Masco Gel, super strength

Out there is something more irritating that politicians, more infuriating than a wheel clamp, more common than pop music... People who hand out flyers.

It is impossible to walk anywhere in durban without having about a billion flyers thrust into your face at once, its like they've been strategically placed at your very next foot fall so you dont see anything besides pieces of paper. Its the same story every single day, if i so much as step out onto the street I'll be faced with people who somehow can make a piece of paper make a loud sorta of exploding noise just by forcing it upon you.

Today i kinda felt bad because i always just ignore them as hard as it is but those people are only doing their jobs. I must say tho i regret it, im sorry but i do not need me Masco Gel to make my penis larger and make everyone at work like me. I dont care if your new herbal cream is extra strength infused with tiger penis and whale urine, i still dont want anythin to do with it. These people actually have the guts to go advertise things like that, who wants to turn on their lover with seal scrotum, if somebody tried that on me i would undoubtedly break a bottle on their head.

Singapore this weekend which im sure will be great, for 3 years now I've missed the only night race on the calendar, i hope not to repeat that

Monday, September 20, 2010

The caught out factor

I have a this habit of speaking to myself. Its not too bad because i enjoy myself but sometimes i say mean things about people. It ranges from saying how ugly someone is to how irritating that person is to how i dont care about a single thing you're saying to me, really random things.

So just the other day after school there was this really fat lady sitting in front of the door, they're double doors but for some reason they'd closed one. She was sitting blocking most of the way through and wasn't moving for anyone so i tried to squeeze my way through and unintentionally i said "ah lady you're so fat". I thought i'd said it in my head or at least very quietly but when i looked around everyone was staring at me, at that moment that lady wasn't too pleased with me. So sunday im in church and some person behind me keeps knocking my chair and it was starting to irritate me so each time they did i would quietly say "dont touch me" but at one point just when you say something with enough venom to kill, everything just has to go quiet so you end up shouting at an old lady not to touch you cuz she is flipping irritating and is invading your personal space. Its safe to say i wont be goin back there next week seeing as everyone within lets say 5 rows of me probably has a hit out on me right now.

I hate people touching my person its really irritating and i cant help speakin to myself about just how boring it is when you tell me about random dance styles i know nothing about and couldn't be bothered about in the slightest. Its who i am, i hate people as a general rule they dont go along with my way of thinking but unfortunately they are needed in this world. Of course there are people i do like, they've put up with me for long enough but those randoms that suddenly think you're their best friend cuz you let them use your pen to mark themselves on the register? Nein....

I saw Godzilla again today... My word she's beautiful, my very favourite japanese princess. There will come a time where i am given more than a fleeting glimpse on the freeway. One of these days you and i are gonna meet....

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Baron Lord Senator

I was just watching the Drake documentary on MTV and even though im not the most hip hopping of people i get what the guy is saying.

Here is a guy who is unashamed to claim what is his, he is puttin out his talent to the world and its being lapped up. Somehow He's found his recipe for success, so how come im not cooking yet?

Im not overly concerned about other peoples perception of me but come now, i would be foolish if i didnt want to be adored by millions. I want to have the crooning women and the dedicated fans or just any form of power. I'll be damned if i go through this life as unknown as a security guard, sure his friends and family know him but i want people from Brakpan to Monaco to say my name, whether i am the worlds latest and greatest dictator or i am my new alter ego, Baron Lord Senator. I want to be a Baron so bad. I dont know what they do but i understand they hold some royalty and the title is just too cool. My girlfriend wouldn't laugh at me if i was a Baron, she'd have her head chopped off.

Its become evident to me that deep inside i am a very egotistical power hungry person which is why the thought of being a dictator doesn't leave a sour taste in my mouth. One girl so promptly said the other day that i would suck at ruling the world because i lack empathy, apparently i just laugh and get over things. Had someone else said that i wouldn't have been bothered at all really i would've laughed and gotten over it but she knows the weight of her words and what truth they hold, someone who gets that their own truth always outweighs that of another no matter how wrong they may actually be is someone i would want in my council, at least we think the same.

Im not quite sure what exactly Baron Lord Senator does but thats the exact point i am right now, time for a bit of mind stretching. I've let myself go to such a point where im easily manipulated, i need to get back into the swing of things and really use what I've come to learn i posses

A days thoughts

I spent the day with my mommy, haven't done that in a while.

Dragged to church this morning, not having breakfast, not being awake till about 12 only to find out we weren't goin home but were going shopping. I hate shopping with an intense passion especially with a woman but it seems that i usually it away with something after it all.

No guy is meant to know anything about girls shoes, its a known fact and i am no different. I dont know the difference between those shoes with the bangles attached to their soles and those with chainmail on them, they all look the same. I also noticed these clothes shops we go to never ever have clothes in normal size. I asked this lady today if she had a shirt in a size human and she said " human? We dont stock human". I didnt realize i was in a shop that only stocks clothes for bears and pixies, I'll be sure never to make the mistake of shopping in a anti-human establishment.

Another thing thats made me laugh today is Nascar. They say its a sprint cup so its a sprint race. In normal terms a Grand Prix is about 50 laps, a sprint race is around 22 laps but in america a sprint race is 300 laps. I would hate to watch a Grand Priy. It wouldn't be a race weekend it would be a whole year.

little boy

Thursday, September 16, 2010

The greatest gift in life, adventure

Im all for new experiences, i like a bit of adventure. I like being able to tell the stories and reminiscing about by gone times where excitement was my friend but im not that much of a junky, i wont do anythin heavily stupid or silly unless you pay me handsomely.

But you get those guys that do it for the thrill. Those big guys with shoulder length hair that they always flick and pull back before they speak, with their aversion to wearing shirts and their constant need to jump off buildings landing face first in the pavement just because it gives them some kinda rush. Those guys are cool as mistakes with taking drugs during pregnancy go but come on that sorta thing is stupid. You see them on tv swimming with half a cow tied to their ankles in shark infested water cuz its fun.

Imagine how great it would be for drug pushers to hire those kinda types. Pump them full with bags of cocaine and watch how they relish getting through airports. "Ah man that was awesome! It was so intense, I've never felt such a rush before! It got a bit intense at the checkpoints when I was asked to pass through the scanner and my heart was in my mouth when the machine beeped but that was only because my shark tooth necklace i got in Hakkariwa was still on, i nearly split a whole bag of cocaine and ecstasy in that minute man, longest minute of my life, ah I feel so alive!" cue flicking and pulling back of hair.

Those sorta types would also come in handy as kidnappers. Stuff a bag full of children into their stomachs and see them enjoy every moment, even having to crap out the prime ministers son who wont stop squirming. I really am a genius, I should start selling these ideas to the relevant parties, the money i could make...

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Slacker mind state

I've come to the realization that i hate computers. Im starting to hate them with a proper passion...

I've gotten over my course and what im doing, doesn't interest me in the slightest anymore. Its about to enter the levels of hate reserved for Satan, eco mentalists, rats and babies. I think I've just hit that point where i cant stand school much longer. Funny enough tho my school blues have chilled for long before showin their nasty heads, this time last year and i was ready to commit death to myself, You'd swear i'd do all i can to be out of this rut called school but its a bit of a safe place.

Focus and some juice, all i need

Monday, September 13, 2010

Baby its coming to an end...

I can see it now, it hurts but soon this will end. Im going to have to give you up soon and someone newer, faster, more attractive will have to take your place. If it were up to me i wouldn't let it happen. I would fix you up, a new face here, some touch ups there. I dont wanna have to lose you. We came to be by chance, my love for music and your ability to full fill is what brought us together. I remember so long ago when we first met, i didnt know at the time that we would fall in love and i doubt you did as well but its happened and i loved every minute of it. You were with me on many adventures, nights spent in public bathrooms with sheets, walking in the wrong direction down roads for ages, being sucker punched by eye drops, who'll forget the countless boring movies and long sessions on the john. You were also there when the power died and the need to irritate a house full of people struck, not complaining once i dropped you in my hasty retreats from flying shoes. You've been my lifeline with the outside world. My personal way of getting my fix, telling me of the movements of my boys and not begrudging me a fact or two. Sure others may look at you now and see the scars and marks of time but when i look at you i see past that, i see the one who made it possible for me to be happy, one that sacrificed themselves for my gain, you stuck by me when things got tough, didnt ask for much when the sun shone again. Im a heartless fool for writing all this with you so able to see it but you know how its become. You fail sometimes. You blink out when i have to put down my thoughts and have a knack for keeping me on edge sometimes. I know you're old and i expect so much from you but everything you do doesn't go unnoticed. I will keep you until you blink out for the last time, until your back cover unintentionally slides for the last time and you implode in a glorious inverted fireball. My special telephone, I love you, t'was heaven here with you

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Race Day may not be able to do that but it can do this

Ok so its not race day per say its the day before but just what my mind needed.

Its not just about staying home to watch a full weekend of racing, its also about being alone with this mind. I enjoy spending time by myself sometimes, there's this place in my head where everyone knows me and im the headlining act, the drinks are free, the women are easy and the conversation is profound but at my level and my points are always right, they worship me here. I was speaking to James and i dono what she was buzzing off, probably kiddie crack or something but even tho im sure she was trying to tell me about some achievement of hers i couldn't help but not really get into thought about what she was saying, i was probably thinkin somethin completely different to what she was going on about but i realized a few things.

I want to understand my brain fully. I want to be able to control situations and circumstances to my liking. Bruce Wayne. Before he was even Batman he was a hero, "looked so handsome stood not dancing, drawing you in like you're boring to him" - Da Frame 2R. That song says it all really, the guy controls without having to make any form of effort at all, people dont even know he's Batman but still he oozes confidence. I want to be able to have an understanding of myself to the point where i am able to say "i anticipated that but really so what" i can do the anticipate part, many things dont shock me anymore when they happen but its the so what that im lacking, living with that decision and moulding it into my image and likeness.

I'll never quite know everything, my brain will work itself into a tizz thinking over things and trying to understand but I'll still lack the knowledge i seek.

Im gettin side tracked now the whole point of this post was to say that I've found my little world again, at one point i had one of those little cliche moments. I was listening to God's Bathroom by Atmosphere (its never failed to not speak to me, i know deep down my mind is exactly like that) sitting cross legged in the middle of my bed, oversized headphones on like in the movies and as i was taking in this song the little voices in my head all chimed at once, "welcome back, we've missed you"

Thats exactly what i need after this week and the week to come, now starts hell but thats ok, the voices in my head are with and not against me for once...

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Pleasing the Tifozi

Alonso's on pole, he probably feels good about it seeing as its the teams home race and pleasing the fans is also a good thing but right next to him is a certain Button...

Its got me thinking really. Here's a team that hasn't had the best runs of late and with all the controversy all they wanna do is please everyone. Now there's nothing wrong with trying to o that but you gotta take your strengths and beliefs into consideration. Sure you want to keep them happy and you may just be able to pull off some conflict free runs but in the back of your mind there is that niggling thought that says "eventually you will slip up and all eyes will be on you". Why didnt he just sit back, know that this is out of his power and let the events just take place, it wont hurt to admit defeat and accept that this is not your battle to fight so why not just be impartial? Too often there is this pressure that if we say and do what we really think then all hell will swallow us in one gulp. Is hell such a scary place? The human mind is hell enough on its own surely what happens on the outside has already been considered on the inside.

So he pleases the tifozi because judgement burns? My judgement stands and now we see how the events unfold...

Bernie's trying his best to hold my attention

Today was a great start to a weekend of tail out, tyre smoke action. I caught free practice and i must say i was impressed.

Being a Mc Laren supporter i was too amped when i heard that Jenson, we all know my thoughts about Jenson, was leading in FP1 and even tho Hamilton was third i was still amped. Ah whenever i watch Free Practice i always yearn to be at the circuit watching with my two eyeballs as the pair from Woking tear down that track, urinating on the faces of the in-fighting Red Bulls and leaving steam pies in the shoes of those silly Ferrari fools who really should just be turned to glue now, they've completely lost it. Each time i watch all i want is to finally have my yacht sitting in Monaco or Valencia watching the race in comfort with many beautiful women and a few close friends, thats how everyone else does it so i shall be no different.

What i noticed today is that each time one of the Mc Laren cars were on track the camera work was of the top shelf, honestly my mind was blown by how great everything looked and the sound that came out of those engines on overrun surely must be illegal, they shouldn't play noises like that during the day on tv, thats the stuff of late night viewing. I lost count of how many times those cars looked so brilliant, my drivers were really doing a great job even if they were just testing everything. The best thing for me has to be when a slide is captured beautifully. I once watched GP2 qualifying and till this day i have never seen such a beautiful slide from a single seater before. Romain Grosjean set me on fire when he tip toed that machine back into shape, it looked so beautiful. I dont care that you've just given birth to a baby and you think that the welcoming of a new life to this world is a beautiful thing but can your silly baby make its existance an art in my eyes? Drifting of any kind must be a sexual act really, it cant be something good if it makes one question just which species they want to spend the rest of their lives with.

Does Bernie know that he has to compete for my attention now? Is he pulling out all the stops to keep me glued, trying to justify my decision to have a proper race weekend after so many botched attempts? Well either way im here and my eyes are still glued to the screen even tho the mind may be far away, it may not but this weekend my boys are going to perform and they have no choice, i didnt just sacrifice valuable time to settle for anything less than a 1-2.

Lord help those who get in the way of my happy ending this weekend...

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Vegetable pushers

Im showing my age again...

Last night i had a conversation with a little girl about killing time. I said that when i have nothing else to do i flick beans. Then she said something about my girlfriends poenaner and i was shocked, how could somethin as innocent as beans conjure up such perverted comments. Little did i know but i in fact set it up.

Now days you gotta be careful what you say, things can get twisted around so much and words have so many other meanings that saying "im gonna go get me some tasty wheat" could mean you're going out to buy sacks of flavoured weed. When i said i flick beans i meant the actual act of flicking the beans that we cook and eat, not jabbing a snoek. You see even I've done it right there. Now days you gotta stay abreast with all the new jargon used by the kids or you'll get left behind. I was shocked when i was told today what my words actually meant so i must apologize to the WD for thinking she was a very perverted little girl, she was just sayin what she thought I meant and now I've learnt not to do any form of acts with vegetables if i want to be regarded as someone who is morally sound....

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

what happened gender seperation

I was givin it some thought today and nothing says boy or girl anymore.

I swear there used to be a time when pants were a male thing to wear. There was also a time when pop music was the glorified music for girls and anything worth listenin to was for males but now days girls wear pants and i know a coupla people that enjoy a good bit of enrique iglasssious who thinks making music is shouting loudly at your tv screen while falling onto a table. I understand that we can never say one thing is for this gender and this for another but I've come to this conclusion.
I was playin Gran Turismo today and it dawned on me that the only way to differentiate between boy and girl is to look at what games people play. It makes sense that in every persons game collection whether male or female there should be one racing game, a sports game of some sort and a pointless war game but where everything differs is that in a boys collection They'll have things like "leisure suite larry" and "carmageddon" and "world series of poker" and "deer hunter: killer of small animals cum laude edition" but in a girls collection you'll see things like "barbies fairytopia" and "sims 11" and "hannah montana bejeweller singstar version". What happens to be in my collection is all typical msizi, i own the games that make up every collection but thats about it, i stopped at the car racing genre and got lost, only Gran Turismo tickles these nipples...

Haha ah Jimmy is funny, "whhhat a terrific audience"


i was readin some simplewords poetry on mxit and it still speaks to me.

How i wish i was blessed with the art of being able to string a few words into a rhyme that stole everyone's breath away at how sensitive or caring or bitter with anger i could be. Poetry has always been seen as cultured and sophisticated, i find flatulence funny so i guess its no shocker that i cant write a poem for crap. I tried to look up ways to try my hand at puttin words down and i just couldn't do it, what came to me tho was this here blog which even tho was a bit of a whimsical fancy, its led to alot of venting and death of frustration...

One day when I've stopped dreaming of grassy nodes I'll try my hand again at poetry, for now i sleep...

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

When all else fails, do a set...

This day was pretty good till a coupla hours ago when it became a bit much for me to deal with...

You know how you sit and kinda have those moments of thinkin how great life is? Sure your 3 button doesn't work anymore and its makin postin become a pain but you stay true to your darling and praise her for everything else she does as your trusty phone and sure you're suddenly sprung with the fact that your whole lifes work will be tested in the following week but you keep smiling because you knew it would come but even i am no superhero so i sure as hell wasn't smiling when i was asked just where does my heart belong?

"Simple question, simple answer" you tell yourself until you stop to think and realize that the questions goes alot deeper than the here and now. I could tell you in my sleep where my heart is focused now but ask me where it will be in years to come and I'll tell you that you spell dog with a q. Had anyone else asked me that question and got me in such deep thought i would've probably killed them for shooting down my chirping birds and drowning my sunshine but seein as it came from a brain im so familiar with that it could be my own i actually gave it some proper thought. Not much of an answer came to mind but what i did do however is do a whole bunch of sets.

I heard people say that they go to gym to kill stress and clear their minds but i used to be like "ah these people are crazy, who makes that kinda effort just to be tired at the end of the day?" but once i did one set, it turned to two and then three and before i knew it i had done quite a reasonable amount and if im really honest they really did put the mind at ease.

Im not saying that i dont know what i want and that im a confused wretch, what im saying is that at any given moment i am more than willing to go into it with reckless abandon. Sure Im no Hans Christian Anderson, i dont believe in fairytales but i do believe that any given moment has the potential to be what you want it to be, you just gotta stop being a withdrawn fool from such things and jump, what hands catch you will catch you and if you aren't caught then you drop to the bottom and do a set, you'll be alot stronger after that...

Monday, September 6, 2010

And another thing...

The problem with me is that i think on my own varying wavelength.

Friday afternoon i was speaking with my Ben Friend (he is called my Ben Friend because he was never my friend, it used to be friends and Ben but he asked to be my friend so he is. Its not out of favouritism you see) and he said that piece of genius he said a while back "if everything went perfectly you'd be one of those couples we hate". If things really had gone perfectly then that would be the case and when he said it this time round i looked back on all the situations that lead up to this moment and honestly i wouldn't change them for crap. I thought that maybe things might just go to the way of the couples we hate but on saturday night i got the confirmation from inside my brain that at least for now im too afraid and too far from being that way.

Im not picking on anyone here but this moment just light a huge light bulb in my head. I was walkin with Gem, WD and her love companion and we were looking at stalls, we were by these beaded alphabet letters and those little things that you make bangles which have your name on it and stuff and i heard an exchange from the other pair that went something like, she said "ah look at these things they're letters" and he said "oh look there's one that says I love (insert his name here) on it" and then it got a bit too lovey dovey for me...

That might not sound bad and im probably just makin a huge deal out of nothing but in my mind i was like "WTF man, wtf. Do you realize what crap you guys are goin on about here hey? What is this? Some frikin childs play dream of candy canes and blowing dandilions in the wind?". I was really disturbed by this if im honest, i was so glad for the quick exit that was made. Maybe i just have no proper grasp of how things work and what girls want said to them which is probably why i would make a great chess player but really things like that sound a bit cliche in my ears. It just says to me that maybe, just maybe i might not end up that way if those sorta things scare me and make my skin crawl. I will say things to my other half that might border the lines of cliche in my ears and i know that like each to his own and stuff but this is my blog so i can put my view first and say that lord help me on the day i start carving her name into my arms with a sharpener blade and make statuses about "being jealous when other boys hug you cuz in those 5 seconds they held my whole world in their arms" bull man come on seriously, that sorta thing just does not happen in real life, well my real life anyway. If some homie tried their luck with my girl obviously i would get jealous regardless of who my girl was but im not about to go die because you sat on her lap while i went to get juicebox out the fridge.

Haha ah this was meant to be a short post about me thinking im hopefully far from being another cliche and an irrit and really just thinking about all the cliches is agitating me so much. Do I lack emotion? Do I just have an over inflated ego? Either way shoot me when i become a deaf blind dog

Pleased to meet me

I've known myself for quite a while now, 17 years if im not mistaken or all my life if you wanna get technical but there is still alot i dont know about this homie writing this here post...

If it were in any way possible i would forfeit a night of dreaming just so i could sit inside my subconscious and read my owners manual. I cant just picture myself sitting inside my head on a big red leather wingback chair, in a tweed suit with a glass of semi sweet white next to me reading this book on just who i really am for hours. I gave it some thought today and i honestly wonder what makes me tick, like i know my current likes and dislikes, what i want and dont want, what i can and cant do at this very moment but what is it really that i want out of this here life and what can i really do as me, myself, this here being.

What really makes me dislike one thing yet love another? What makes me think this is right and that wrong? What tickles my fancy and what turns me off? Why am i deathly afraid of rats yet i when faced with throwing a brick at homies head i faulter? What makes me like one person but get repulsed by another? What can i really do? What do i think i can do and what can i not do that i think i can?

I drew up a huge list of questions and really these are things that are inside my manual but i unfortunately cant access it as hard as i may try, its all about pressing buttons and hoping that somehow i get the right sequence or at least not cause permanent damage to my mainframe, somehow i need to know how to configure my ECU.

The only problem with getting profound on the John is the possible contraction of piles, im still so very scared of piles so I'll end this here...

Sunday, September 5, 2010

You threw away my toast, WHAT?

One of the hardest things about a post in my eyes is giving it a name that has something to do with something contained inside but at the same time it must be something that has some other connection to something else

Today was a good day. I didnt expect much to happen, I just expected a normal sundays proceeding but the day had something else planned. I was speaking to Kirby last night and she'd come up with the idea of me making an appearance as some sort of surprise and I thought that was really sweet but there was no way in hell I was gonna make such an effort on a sunday, the day of rest? It seems though that the planets aligned and one thing led to another and I had this golden path laid before me and I would've been foolish not to walk it.

I saw my Gem and her very special friend, was nice even though making toast seems to be the most foreign thing to them... 

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Im sure we've moved the fence back by a meter...

I just spent the last 10 minutes or so hunting down my headphones so I could listen to "Ion Square" while writing this post...

Kele once said that when they were making the album it was his favourite song because it dealt with the opening happiness of a young and budding relationship, is that why its one of my favourites on that album and not Trojan Horse anymore?

Had a reeally great day today. I had a basic idea of spendin the afternoon with the guys and the night with my Gem. It became "Beat Winetlord at PES" day which was really funny, shooting from wherever you want seems to be the new thing. You can never tire of your friends and their special quirks.

Like I've said before, Moonlight market has always had some hold on me and now it shall never be the same again. Spent a large portion of my time with Little Boy and really not many 11, soon to be 12 year olds have had much appeal to me, little kids have always been a nuisance in my eyes, always those little irritating cry babies who hang onto your sleeves with their sticky candied apple fingers and snot running down ther noses but this one is one I can happily stand and not tire of.

I found myself gazing at my phone kinda counting down the moments till I saw your face and after a while I had written off seeing you tonight but then I heard your name being spoken and I kinda held myself from looking cuz Im not a huge fan of disappointment. I felt so embarrassed when James called out to you guys cuz I had it in my head that you might've been able to sense my anticipation and would find me weird and somewhat of a panzie for being excited to see your face. I think Im gonna work as a Toll collecter if thats how great the pay is.

Scunthorpe made me stress so much, I've never ever wanted to be the guy that makes everyone wait while he was canoodling with his other half while everyone else sits in the car shooting daggers at the couple with their eyes waiting to get home so I was quite bleak to be in that situation even though it wasn't really the case, to say I sighed with relief is an understatement...

Haha ah "Do you wanna" is playing in my ears, naughty...

I can say with a heavy heart that my Kiss Jar is empty but I look forward to refilling it again....

My friends and their advice...

A good friend of mine told me that to have a healthy relationship, you must cheat on your girlfriend at least once a week. Little did he know that I'd take him seriously...

I admit that I do care about my girlfriend and her well being, physcial and emotional but I just cant help myself, the allure is too strong... I worked my weekend in such a way that I would see her this weekend so I could spend next weekend surrounded by another who I just cant make do without, I guess its stupid of me to be coming clean so quickly but I just cant keep this secret any longer, I am cheating on you with Formula One ok its out.

I couldnt bring myself to break things off with it, I just couldnt spend another weekend without being wrapped tightly in its embrace. We've been togerther well over a year and a half now and it would be devastating on the both of us if I tried to do the right thing and cut things off with it but really if you think about it, F1 (as i like to refer to it as when im feeeling very loving) and I have been together for ages so it stands to reason that in fact Im cheating on it? I mean really I had a flawless race attendance until my attentions were drawn elsewhere and now I can barely make time to read news updates.

Which brings me to my next point. Maybe Im being a bit girlie and probably risking peoples manly outlook of me but ah really, for me to throw away a Gem like that for silly idle gains with a human that would never live up to what I would be giving up? Im no genius but even I know how the 80/20 rule works, sort of.

"Being in a band its hard to survive when you're playing in the clubs and love to het high"

Watching Winetlord playing last night was funny, all we lacked was a pair of underwear, a wllowrths G-String perhaps? standing next to two randoms is always more fun than just lookin at them I feel sorry for the litte boys but they had it coming, "poor kips"

Moonlight market tonight. A place that always was good to me no matter how crap it got each year because I'll always remember the days as a little boy when all we did was have schoolboy fun regardless of what people said...

Friday, September 3, 2010

I keep up with the racing rats and do my best to win

Today has been a good friday...

Didn't have school and this morning scunthorpe tells me to pull in so I was keen, my phone was havin issues last night so I didn't know what was potting.

Spent a good hour waiting outside the bank for my sister. Ive heard of women with facial hair but today I saw the wife of Moses. This lady had more facial hair than I had hair on my ass and pubic region combined, I won't lie I was jealous of her face blanket.

And then there was Ezrah. I was in clicks with the sister and we make our way out the door, I walk past those things that detect whether you've stolen something and I'm already out the door when this lady behind me sets it off, quickly runs back inside the shop and our dear hero Ezrah the security guard chooses to fetch me from outside and goes through my personal belongings. He had the audacity to question where I got my deodorant from, where my jacket came from and where i. Got hold of Gem's copy of Eclipse from, call me stupid but I don't remember clicks being a wholesaler of everything under the sun.

Mad scramble to get to scunthorpes, haven had to mission for a taxi like that in ages. I dono whether it was national everyone takes public transport day or something but it was pretty crazy. I had music going in my ears so it was all pretty cool looking at the world with a soundtrack going on and I took a second just to stop and look at everyone milling about on their own missions. So many people just go on their ways like rodents running with the colony and I too am one of those people, funny little realization that, we spend too much time not seeing what happens in front of us, so consumed by our own little bubbles of warped reality.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Some random dribble down my chin

Ever noticed how celebrities claim the world is in dire need of fund raisers for children in pakistan who go to school on the back of large oxen?

I understand that the world has a severe problem when it comes to poverty and the lack of food, water, housing and Gallardo's in every garage but i think we're all lookin at it a bit negatively. Im sure we've all come to realize that in fact global warming is the latest craze as many celebrities go out and buy prius's and G-whizzes or the occasional Lexus hybrid just so that when they're on tv they can say they drive an eco friendly vehicle but its not eco friendly is it? The average person will keep their vehicle for about 3 years or something. In that 3 years your pootling along with zero emissions would not have done enough to negate the manufacture of your eco box. To get the batteries needed to run those cars they need to go mining for nickel which is a very dirty process and does more harm to the environment than the greenies will admit. I see on tv how people are so sold on the idea that if all cars were zero emissions global warming would come to a prompt end, just the other day this man had the balls to blame every hot day and the melting ice caps on people driving to the shops.

How nice of them to take a stab at something i so enjoy, next they'll be telling me that kissing should be banned because the happy glands in your brain are workin overtime and that coupled with the muscle movements will cause a 7% increase in the energy needed to make up for that exertion or they'll ban takin more than 2 craps a week because it takes long processes to manufacture toilet paper and the water needed to flush down a log is just too much and its killing the fishes (if that rule were implemented i know a good friend who would have dinosaurs flooding his toilet bowl, proper tree trunks) but on a side note i did something thats been so hard to achieve, I've tried this whole year and it finally happened. I pissed double digits. My highest had been 9 for a while but yesterday i did 11 which is a big deal because its hard to pull off that kinda magic.

Anyway i rate that instead of tryin to raise money for people in pakistan to have enough grass to feed their large oxen now that the place is flooded with water, i rate they raise funds to buy them all hovercrafts or something because really in actual fact the whole reason we have global warming is because cows cant keep their assholes shut

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Hahaha ah I love the Janitor

Watching Scrubs is a great way to spend the afternoon. So many life lessons are actually shared in this program which kinda get one sorta cocking their head to the side and wondering?

The Janitor has to be the very greatest part of this program. Who else would pour juice all over their meal just because someone was watching them eat. Flipping hilarious man...

I cheat the system

I get airtime every month and last month when i got it i promptly spent it all on music downloads so I've been surviving this month on free sms's and Mxit which is also free on my network, i also use my phone to blog which requires airtime but thankfully there seems to be a solution.

Opera Mini is this nifty little internet web browser tool i use often now because of how it makes blogging easier and i thought i was pretty much screwed with no airtime but i found that even with my R0.86 balance on my sim card i can still post, in fact i think it might be less than that but im too scared to check. I get freaked out by the disappointment of checking my airtime balance because i know it gets less and less with usage but i'd rather not know how bad it was till i get more airtime and be suprised at how close i came to zero. That'll probably do me no good later in life because i cant keep spendin on my account hoping that my card will somehow hold out with each purchase until i get paid and then sigh in relief that i made it through the month without having my head kicked in by some angry store clerk.

If phone companies were as clever as i am they would realize that some people cant go around missioning for airtime and they would make a phone that just lets you deposit the money straight into it. Imagine how convenient that would be? No more waiting till the next day just so you can buy 15 bucks worth of airtime to get you through for a coupla weeks. Sure i can blog and stuff but it takes forever to load and it doesn't load fully in what i think is a cost saving scheme which is clever but also irritating at the same time, i cant read anyone's blogs because i'll have to spend the whole night dropping network and reloading just to get a bit of information on my screen tho i am thankful because if i tried to use my proper phone browser i'd be screwed. It costs at least R2 to make some sorta connection unless you're tryin to go onto the Mxit website where you can go on even if your phone is dead and outta battery, its the only sight I've been on with my phone browser when i had no airtime to speak of.

Kinda goin on about airtime and i guess thats where my thoughts are at the moment, influence of Clarkson and his rants on topics that grind his gears. Reading another of his books and they really do make me laugh. I want to be able to complain tirelessly about simple things like gettin on a plane and punching people in the face because they printed pictures of you kissing other women but i cant, im somewhat normal.