Saturday, September 4, 2010

Im sure we've moved the fence back by a meter...

I just spent the last 10 minutes or so hunting down my headphones so I could listen to "Ion Square" while writing this post...

Kele once said that when they were making the album it was his favourite song because it dealt with the opening happiness of a young and budding relationship, is that why its one of my favourites on that album and not Trojan Horse anymore?

Had a reeally great day today. I had a basic idea of spendin the afternoon with the guys and the night with my Gem. It became "Beat Winetlord at PES" day which was really funny, shooting from wherever you want seems to be the new thing. You can never tire of your friends and their special quirks.

Like I've said before, Moonlight market has always had some hold on me and now it shall never be the same again. Spent a large portion of my time with Little Boy and really not many 11, soon to be 12 year olds have had much appeal to me, little kids have always been a nuisance in my eyes, always those little irritating cry babies who hang onto your sleeves with their sticky candied apple fingers and snot running down ther noses but this one is one I can happily stand and not tire of.

I found myself gazing at my phone kinda counting down the moments till I saw your face and after a while I had written off seeing you tonight but then I heard your name being spoken and I kinda held myself from looking cuz Im not a huge fan of disappointment. I felt so embarrassed when James called out to you guys cuz I had it in my head that you might've been able to sense my anticipation and would find me weird and somewhat of a panzie for being excited to see your face. I think Im gonna work as a Toll collecter if thats how great the pay is.

Scunthorpe made me stress so much, I've never ever wanted to be the guy that makes everyone wait while he was canoodling with his other half while everyone else sits in the car shooting daggers at the couple with their eyes waiting to get home so I was quite bleak to be in that situation even though it wasn't really the case, to say I sighed with relief is an understatement...

Haha ah "Do you wanna" is playing in my ears, naughty...

I can say with a heavy heart that my Kiss Jar is empty but I look forward to refilling it again....

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