Monday, September 20, 2010

The caught out factor

I have a this habit of speaking to myself. Its not too bad because i enjoy myself but sometimes i say mean things about people. It ranges from saying how ugly someone is to how irritating that person is to how i dont care about a single thing you're saying to me, really random things.

So just the other day after school there was this really fat lady sitting in front of the door, they're double doors but for some reason they'd closed one. She was sitting blocking most of the way through and wasn't moving for anyone so i tried to squeeze my way through and unintentionally i said "ah lady you're so fat". I thought i'd said it in my head or at least very quietly but when i looked around everyone was staring at me, at that moment that lady wasn't too pleased with me. So sunday im in church and some person behind me keeps knocking my chair and it was starting to irritate me so each time they did i would quietly say "dont touch me" but at one point just when you say something with enough venom to kill, everything just has to go quiet so you end up shouting at an old lady not to touch you cuz she is flipping irritating and is invading your personal space. Its safe to say i wont be goin back there next week seeing as everyone within lets say 5 rows of me probably has a hit out on me right now.

I hate people touching my person its really irritating and i cant help speakin to myself about just how boring it is when you tell me about random dance styles i know nothing about and couldn't be bothered about in the slightest. Its who i am, i hate people as a general rule they dont go along with my way of thinking but unfortunately they are needed in this world. Of course there are people i do like, they've put up with me for long enough but those randoms that suddenly think you're their best friend cuz you let them use your pen to mark themselves on the register? Nein....

I saw Godzilla again today... My word she's beautiful, my very favourite japanese princess. There will come a time where i am given more than a fleeting glimpse on the freeway. One of these days you and i are gonna meet....

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