Thursday, September 16, 2010

The greatest gift in life, adventure

Im all for new experiences, i like a bit of adventure. I like being able to tell the stories and reminiscing about by gone times where excitement was my friend but im not that much of a junky, i wont do anythin heavily stupid or silly unless you pay me handsomely.

But you get those guys that do it for the thrill. Those big guys with shoulder length hair that they always flick and pull back before they speak, with their aversion to wearing shirts and their constant need to jump off buildings landing face first in the pavement just because it gives them some kinda rush. Those guys are cool as mistakes with taking drugs during pregnancy go but come on that sorta thing is stupid. You see them on tv swimming with half a cow tied to their ankles in shark infested water cuz its fun.

Imagine how great it would be for drug pushers to hire those kinda types. Pump them full with bags of cocaine and watch how they relish getting through airports. "Ah man that was awesome! It was so intense, I've never felt such a rush before! It got a bit intense at the checkpoints when I was asked to pass through the scanner and my heart was in my mouth when the machine beeped but that was only because my shark tooth necklace i got in Hakkariwa was still on, i nearly split a whole bag of cocaine and ecstasy in that minute man, longest minute of my life, ah I feel so alive!" cue flicking and pulling back of hair.

Those sorta types would also come in handy as kidnappers. Stuff a bag full of children into their stomachs and see them enjoy every moment, even having to crap out the prime ministers son who wont stop squirming. I really am a genius, I should start selling these ideas to the relevant parties, the money i could make...

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