Wednesday, September 22, 2010

New Masco Gel, super strength

Out there is something more irritating that politicians, more infuriating than a wheel clamp, more common than pop music... People who hand out flyers.

It is impossible to walk anywhere in durban without having about a billion flyers thrust into your face at once, its like they've been strategically placed at your very next foot fall so you dont see anything besides pieces of paper. Its the same story every single day, if i so much as step out onto the street I'll be faced with people who somehow can make a piece of paper make a loud sorta of exploding noise just by forcing it upon you.

Today i kinda felt bad because i always just ignore them as hard as it is but those people are only doing their jobs. I must say tho i regret it, im sorry but i do not need me Masco Gel to make my penis larger and make everyone at work like me. I dont care if your new herbal cream is extra strength infused with tiger penis and whale urine, i still dont want anythin to do with it. These people actually have the guts to go advertise things like that, who wants to turn on their lover with seal scrotum, if somebody tried that on me i would undoubtedly break a bottle on their head.

Singapore this weekend which im sure will be great, for 3 years now I've missed the only night race on the calendar, i hope not to repeat that

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