Thursday, September 2, 2010

Some random dribble down my chin

Ever noticed how celebrities claim the world is in dire need of fund raisers for children in pakistan who go to school on the back of large oxen?

I understand that the world has a severe problem when it comes to poverty and the lack of food, water, housing and Gallardo's in every garage but i think we're all lookin at it a bit negatively. Im sure we've all come to realize that in fact global warming is the latest craze as many celebrities go out and buy prius's and G-whizzes or the occasional Lexus hybrid just so that when they're on tv they can say they drive an eco friendly vehicle but its not eco friendly is it? The average person will keep their vehicle for about 3 years or something. In that 3 years your pootling along with zero emissions would not have done enough to negate the manufacture of your eco box. To get the batteries needed to run those cars they need to go mining for nickel which is a very dirty process and does more harm to the environment than the greenies will admit. I see on tv how people are so sold on the idea that if all cars were zero emissions global warming would come to a prompt end, just the other day this man had the balls to blame every hot day and the melting ice caps on people driving to the shops.

How nice of them to take a stab at something i so enjoy, next they'll be telling me that kissing should be banned because the happy glands in your brain are workin overtime and that coupled with the muscle movements will cause a 7% increase in the energy needed to make up for that exertion or they'll ban takin more than 2 craps a week because it takes long processes to manufacture toilet paper and the water needed to flush down a log is just too much and its killing the fishes (if that rule were implemented i know a good friend who would have dinosaurs flooding his toilet bowl, proper tree trunks) but on a side note i did something thats been so hard to achieve, I've tried this whole year and it finally happened. I pissed double digits. My highest had been 9 for a while but yesterday i did 11 which is a big deal because its hard to pull off that kinda magic.

Anyway i rate that instead of tryin to raise money for people in pakistan to have enough grass to feed their large oxen now that the place is flooded with water, i rate they raise funds to buy them all hovercrafts or something because really in actual fact the whole reason we have global warming is because cows cant keep their assholes shut

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