Tuesday, September 7, 2010

When all else fails, do a set...

This day was pretty good till a coupla hours ago when it became a bit much for me to deal with...

You know how you sit and kinda have those moments of thinkin how great life is? Sure your 3 button doesn't work anymore and its makin postin become a pain but you stay true to your darling and praise her for everything else she does as your trusty phone and sure you're suddenly sprung with the fact that your whole lifes work will be tested in the following week but you keep smiling because you knew it would come but even i am no superhero so i sure as hell wasn't smiling when i was asked just where does my heart belong?

"Simple question, simple answer" you tell yourself until you stop to think and realize that the questions goes alot deeper than the here and now. I could tell you in my sleep where my heart is focused now but ask me where it will be in years to come and I'll tell you that you spell dog with a q. Had anyone else asked me that question and got me in such deep thought i would've probably killed them for shooting down my chirping birds and drowning my sunshine but seein as it came from a brain im so familiar with that it could be my own i actually gave it some proper thought. Not much of an answer came to mind but what i did do however is do a whole bunch of sets.

I heard people say that they go to gym to kill stress and clear their minds but i used to be like "ah these people are crazy, who makes that kinda effort just to be tired at the end of the day?" but once i did one set, it turned to two and then three and before i knew it i had done quite a reasonable amount and if im really honest they really did put the mind at ease.

Im not saying that i dont know what i want and that im a confused wretch, what im saying is that at any given moment i am more than willing to go into it with reckless abandon. Sure Im no Hans Christian Anderson, i dont believe in fairytales but i do believe that any given moment has the potential to be what you want it to be, you just gotta stop being a withdrawn fool from such things and jump, what hands catch you will catch you and if you aren't caught then you drop to the bottom and do a set, you'll be alot stronger after that...


  1. my prince creating a balance between your left and right brain is the key and i think youre almost there

  2. But do I want to be there? Isn't it all about kinda wandering along taking life as it comes or are we meant to be able to have the answers to these sorta things at the ready?
