Saturday, September 11, 2010

Pleasing the Tifozi

Alonso's on pole, he probably feels good about it seeing as its the teams home race and pleasing the fans is also a good thing but right next to him is a certain Button...

Its got me thinking really. Here's a team that hasn't had the best runs of late and with all the controversy all they wanna do is please everyone. Now there's nothing wrong with trying to o that but you gotta take your strengths and beliefs into consideration. Sure you want to keep them happy and you may just be able to pull off some conflict free runs but in the back of your mind there is that niggling thought that says "eventually you will slip up and all eyes will be on you". Why didnt he just sit back, know that this is out of his power and let the events just take place, it wont hurt to admit defeat and accept that this is not your battle to fight so why not just be impartial? Too often there is this pressure that if we say and do what we really think then all hell will swallow us in one gulp. Is hell such a scary place? The human mind is hell enough on its own surely what happens on the outside has already been considered on the inside.

So he pleases the tifozi because judgement burns? My judgement stands and now we see how the events unfold...

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