Thursday, September 9, 2010

Vegetable pushers

Im showing my age again...

Last night i had a conversation with a little girl about killing time. I said that when i have nothing else to do i flick beans. Then she said something about my girlfriends poenaner and i was shocked, how could somethin as innocent as beans conjure up such perverted comments. Little did i know but i in fact set it up.

Now days you gotta be careful what you say, things can get twisted around so much and words have so many other meanings that saying "im gonna go get me some tasty wheat" could mean you're going out to buy sacks of flavoured weed. When i said i flick beans i meant the actual act of flicking the beans that we cook and eat, not jabbing a snoek. You see even I've done it right there. Now days you gotta stay abreast with all the new jargon used by the kids or you'll get left behind. I was shocked when i was told today what my words actually meant so i must apologize to the WD for thinking she was a very perverted little girl, she was just sayin what she thought I meant and now I've learnt not to do any form of acts with vegetables if i want to be regarded as someone who is morally sound....

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