Saturday, September 25, 2010

I dont play these games...

Today is sucha  beautiful day. Its so nice and overcast and its misty and wet, Im cold but fine with it, my kinda day. Had to share the same sleeping space with Lord Farquaad and yes it was a tight squeeze. The pillock cannot keep to himself. I had to fight him off my person 4 times, the first time it was ok because I kind only expected it to happen once but after a while I wasnt pushing him off, I was actually kicking him, got him in the chest at one time.

National Braai Day yesterday and it was a good day. So I have this girlfriend person and what not, haha ah so we spent the day together, lets say 11 and a half hours? Usually I dont do that, I get bored after a while and want to go pick daisies with my friends and yes I may have thought about them at some point but weirdly the urge was hardly there, I even slept during the day which is something generally impossible for me to do and sure it was probably like 10 minutes but it happened so I must thank you...

Hmm how do I put this... There is a level way a person usually acts, like I would hope in most cases Im considered to be somewhat normal and mature? I was looking around last night at all the pairs of people who were obviously joint at the hip cuz they all insisted on sharing a chair, myself included, and on the one side you get Hamster people, It was mostly male bravado and innuendos that were pretty obvious but seemed to be doing the job, dropping lines that would have them thinking.

And then just over there it was kinda similar but it was a bit further on than that. Working together to make impressions on each other because they've pretty much proven and secured each other so its not pressing but they still keep each other interested.

And then I looked back to us and I laughed a thousand laughs. "Donkey died, daddy cried, niggies not on". After all the clever song remarks and the close little eye winkings of the other pairs to the cackling of hyenas when it came to us Im sure people would assume these were a bunch of children and sure I will admit it was a bit child like but ah I loved it. I love the nonsense that springs up outta those kinda situations, proper tom foolery that others wont get but because its happenin at that time with that person it just doesnt matter, sure its not who you are and what you do for a living but when the mood to be a children takes, you dont let go. Thats all I wanted really, relaxed normality, not being governed by the need to perform that takes so many people now days. I sometimes hark back to those simpler times when things happened in more relaxed tones and sure Im too old for those things and I dont condone acting vaugely immature all the time but I would be lying if I said I didnt enjoy it...

Speaking about how one acts... I dont get why I must be flicked the bird, called a fxxk and then slapped in the face? If Im honest I'll admit that I did expect a little stand off of some kind, one cant not expect to be hit by a pie in the face at a clown school. I didnt however think I would be flicked the bird for scratchin my eyebrow on someones back, called a fxxk for laughing at a joke I was being told and then being slapped for sitting down and minding my own business. I promised I'd behave so the only thing I could do was keep my remarks, insults and various curses to myself and Im glad I did that, I dont play these games, I can get over something, I lack the ability to go on forever about something over and over again I get bored easily. I dont forget but I do clear it all to the back and after a while last night I was over it and Im sure the Watch Dog and I had a few decent conversations after that and I chose to ignore the little comments that were aimed for a bit of confrontation.

Im not at a stage where I cant be civil with people, I bury the hatchet but even so it is a shallow grave...

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